Ok, yes I know that I haven't updated on this lately. It is mainly because I'm using xanga and myspace more. All of my friends are moving to those lately. So, I do have an update though (worthing of noting on all pages I may use). I'm married!! Scott and I had our wedding ceremony January 27, 2007 at 4:30 p.m. I thoroughly enjoyed my wedding. Everyone said it was lovely. I can't wait to see the pictures and post some!!
Just thought I would let anyone who still checks this site know what was going on!! Much love!
Just A Little Something
bringing goodness to your neck of the woods.
I guess I should tell you that recently I've started using xanga.com and myspace.com a lot more. I used to support blogspot.com completely. Lately I've just drifted away. So if you are wondering where I am, there I am!
Older painting I enjoy

Even though it was a clear day, Apple decided to take the bus to get to her classes.
I'm afraid I probably could have done something a bit better, but I was pressed for time. I'm going to try and put forth more effort for the next one! I think I was a bit optimistic while I was sketching this one out too. hehe
Long Time, Sorry
Ok, so I've decided to use this for Illustrationfriday.com. I would like to participate and since I don't know enough about xanga to use it for these purposes, I'm going to do this. Hope it works.
Probably time for a Post
I've been putting this off because I actually wanted to have something to tell about. Not much going on right now. I've been trying to get the apartment in order, and I'm job hunting (which I hate).
I've noticed that my sinus problems are almost obsolete here, which is a lovely thing.
Colorado is gorgeous (surprise, surprise).
Scott is at work from about 6 until 5 so I have to entertain myself throughout the day. I feel bad because I want to have a job so I can contribute to the funds. I also want to be without employment because there are so many more things you can do during the day. I'm getting the "itch" though. I need to have a routine. I guess it is just because I'm used to having one. I would like to at least find a part time job so I can make a little money and get out of the house more. I want to drive around and discover stuff, but I know if I do that I won't have much gas. My funds are getting kinda small. Scott has offered to help, but I just don't want him to have to do that.
Ok, so I know that isn't great big news, but for us it's fabulous! We bought it a couple of days ago. I'm so excited about it. Now we can actually eat dinner at the table and play games and such. Fun stuff. We are steps away from having the apartment in order so that we can invite people over.
Germany.......Scott got his orders for Germany. We have to be there, I think, no later than April. Exciting!! I'm nervous. Very nervous. I can't wait though. There is so much that has to be done before then.
We are trying to get a date nailed down for the wedding. All of this seems so out of order. I guess that's the way I've always been though. Anyway, I keep saying, "Let's get married as soon as possible!" The only thing is "as soon as possible" isn't as soon as I hoped. It's looking like the soonest we could have our ceremony would be November (and incredibly close to Thanksgiving which is not my preference). Scott has been throwing around January. I dunno. Too much to think about, and still it must be done.
So that's about it on this end. I miss everyone terrible. Haven't made any friends here yet. I'm working on it. Give me time. I need to get out more.
Until later!
I've noticed that my sinus problems are almost obsolete here, which is a lovely thing.
Colorado is gorgeous (surprise, surprise).
Scott is at work from about 6 until 5 so I have to entertain myself throughout the day. I feel bad because I want to have a job so I can contribute to the funds. I also want to be without employment because there are so many more things you can do during the day. I'm getting the "itch" though. I need to have a routine. I guess it is just because I'm used to having one. I would like to at least find a part time job so I can make a little money and get out of the house more. I want to drive around and discover stuff, but I know if I do that I won't have much gas. My funds are getting kinda small. Scott has offered to help, but I just don't want him to have to do that.
We have a dining room table!

Germany.......Scott got his orders for Germany. We have to be there, I think, no later than April. Exciting!! I'm nervous. Very nervous. I can't wait though. There is so much that has to be done before then.
We are trying to get a date nailed down for the wedding. All of this seems so out of order. I guess that's the way I've always been though. Anyway, I keep saying, "Let's get married as soon as possible!" The only thing is "as soon as possible" isn't as soon as I hoped. It's looking like the soonest we could have our ceremony would be November (and incredibly close to Thanksgiving which is not my preference). Scott has been throwing around January. I dunno. Too much to think about, and still it must be done.
So that's about it on this end. I miss everyone terrible. Haven't made any friends here yet. I'm working on it. Give me time. I need to get out more.
Until later!
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