

Sorry, I know it's been a while since I've posted. Time has gotten the best of me. I'm living in Corinth now. I have a two bedroom apartment that is big enough for me. I like it. It's lonely, but I'll get used to it. I'm working for the School District doing graphic design work. It's fun. I've been trying to get used to being back in north MS. It's hard to adjust. I think about Gulfport all the time (when I'm not thinking about Scott).

Right now I'm living my life day-to-day. I don't know what's ahead. The work I'm doing for the School District may work out to be a full-time position. I'm just worried, I guess. I know I shouldn't worry, but I do. I know that if everything works out when Scott comes back I am going to move to Colorado. I know that the people at work have been very kind to me. I don't want to mislead them. I haven't mentioned that I'll be leaving in August. I don't know if I should. I want to be honest with them so they won't feel that I've disrespected them by leaving. Some people say that I'm not being disrespectful by not telling them. I've been told that it's normal to up and leave later and not to worry about it. We'll see. I'm playing it by ear. I've just been praying about it and I told God what I thought about everything (how I don't want to hurt anyone). It's up to Him to work out the details.

I'm overwhelmed. I don't know if I've mentioned this or not, but I'm engaged! I got that way at Thanksgiving. So, not only am I stressing over work and money, I'm freaking out about planning a wedding by myself. Scott won't get to help me, really help me, until August. So I've got to do the planning with him by phone and via the internet. Not cool. This is something I want to do right, and I want it to be beautiful. I just hope I can pull it off. The "date" is October 7 (God willing and the Creek don't rise).

Well, everyone is leaving work. I'm glad I finally got to post. I'll try to do better. I just haven't felt like sharing much lately. Much love guys!