
81 Days and Counting...

Yeah, 81 days and then we'll tie the knot!! I can't wait. It's crunch time for me at work, for the wedding and for getting to spend time with my friends. I'm actually moving in a month! It's just crazy!!

This week at work I'm trying to get the handbooks taken care of so that I can send them to the printer. I'm afraid I may have really screwed up and waited to late about getting them out to the printer. School starts the second week of August. I've really gotta boogie!!

God has been taking care of some wedding details, and I'm so thankful!! You guys can't begin to imagine how completely stressed I've been about getting everything done. I know that I'm running out of time. I gave it over to God two days ago though. I finally decided that it wasn't worth it for me to be freaking out when this is supposed to be a wonderful time for me and my hubby to be. I told Him that if He wanted to take care of everything, it would be fine with me. Sure enough, He began working the web of His sweet love. I found tents and tables and chairs for a much cheaper price than I had originally found. Thank you God! I wasn't even looking for them. They just kinda fell in my lap. A lady at church volunteered to do my food. Awesome! It may not be as fancy-shmancy as it would have been, but uh, so what? I don't care. I'm just thankful for her willingness to help.

Last night my heart was broken at church. I've been in church all my life (with periods on and off) and can remember so sweetly how my roots began. I can look back and remember the elders of the church that instilled so many things in me. I can remember my parents crying out to God and praising Him. Man. Last night while I was singing with the praise team, a newer member started a song up and as soon as she got to the chorus I was bawling like a baby.

"I see the bright light shine. It's just about home time. I can see my Father standing at the door. This world has been a wilderness and I'm ready for deliverance. Lord I've never been this homesick before.".

I can remember as a child sitting at the end of the pew listening to my parents sing this song and seeing the look they had on their faces. It was pure and holy. It was a look of thankfulness and praise. I would listen to them and trace the design on the side of the pew with my finger in continuous circles.

I miss them being in church. I know they are going to be there again some day. I believe it with all of my heart. I just wish it would be sooner than later.

Love you guys. God bless and have a blessed day.