I've noticed that my sinus problems are almost obsolete here, which is a lovely thing.
Colorado is gorgeous (surprise, surprise).
Scott is at work from about 6 until 5 so I have to entertain myself throughout the day. I feel bad because I want to have a job so I can contribute to the funds. I also want to be without employment because there are so many more things you can do during the day. I'm getting the "itch" though. I need to have a routine. I guess it is just because I'm used to having one. I would like to at least find a part time job so I can make a little money and get out of the house more. I want to drive around and discover stuff, but I know if I do that I won't have much gas. My funds are getting kinda small. Scott has offered to help, but I just don't want him to have to do that.
We have a dining room table!

Germany.......Scott got his orders for Germany. We have to be there, I think, no later than April. Exciting!! I'm nervous. Very nervous. I can't wait though. There is so much that has to be done before then.
We are trying to get a date nailed down for the wedding. All of this seems so out of order. I guess that's the way I've always been though. Anyway, I keep saying, "Let's get married as soon as possible!" The only thing is "as soon as possible" isn't as soon as I hoped. It's looking like the soonest we could have our ceremony would be November (and incredibly close to Thanksgiving which is not my preference). Scott has been throwing around January. I dunno. Too much to think about, and still it must be done.
So that's about it on this end. I miss everyone terrible. Haven't made any friends here yet. I'm working on it. Give me time. I need to get out more.
Until later!