
It's Soooo Hard

That Boys 2 Men song keeps playing in my head right now. It's true though. It's sooo hard to say goodbye to yesterday and even today really. Right now, it's so hard to say goodnight to my boy. I miss Scott so much. Saying goodnight to him on the phone is terrible. It makes me sad.

I know that in the long run all of this will be fine. We'll be in the same area and we'll get to hang out all the time. I really do look forward to that part of our lives together.

I want the world for Scott. I want to know that he can and will be happy for the rest of his life. I now that hard times will come, but I can't help but hope that I'll be there for those times to comfort him and tell him it will be alright. I love him so much and I'm so thankful for him. There's nothing like seeing him smile. I love to see his eyes light up and twinkle. His smile is so sweet and caring. He's so adorable.

Work has been hard lately. As soon as I get there I want to leave. I'm not working on my Masters so it is very aggitating working for the school. I don't feel like I'm needed there. I know my job is needed, but I just don't think I am. I would much rather be restoring photographs at my house and taking care of the chores around the house than getting up and going to an office to sit and look at paperwork all day. It's just not my cup of tea.

Anyway, gotta go, Scott is waiting to talk to me on the phone before the night is over. I've got things to listen to. Until later.


Of course, the big grin on my face isn't just because I work at a wonderful facility on the Gulf Coast. Trust me. There's more to that smile. You can guess what it is. Posted by Hello

Here they are!! These are the flowers I got today at work. Cool stuff. I like it. Posted by Hello

Maybe you can see all of them this way! Posted by Hello

Yet another close up. Posted by Hello

Here's a close up of them! Posted by Hello

One Day Closer to Tomorrow!!

Hey, sorry it's taken me this long to post. I've been occupied, I guess you could say, with all of the work here at work. I've been playing catch up. Not to mention, I've a new addiciton. It's called Gold Miner. Yep, don't play it, you'll get hooked.

I've been recruiting for the past two weeks, and I feel like I'm so behind on all of my work. I'm not really that far behind, but I keep thinking toward the future. That is what keeps messing me up. I feel overwhelmed by things that haven't even gotten here yet!!!

You don't know how excited I am to be taking off and going somewhere for my birthday. It's going to be a breath of fresh air. I've been craving a rollercoaster!! I'm so excited. Sooooooooooo excited.

Scott gets here tomorrow at 8 in the morning. I'm picking him up from the airport in Gulfport. I can't even begin to express how much I care about this guy and how he makes me feel. It's amazing. I wanna tell the world, but then I do pretty much tell everyone I come in contact with. That's my little world I guess. This relationship has brought about many changes in my life. Some of these changes I wish would not be so evident. It's nothing like wishing that he had never happened or anything like that. It's more along the lines of missing how I used to get to talk to some people and share how I felt with them. I dunno.

I remember when Valerie and Shaun first met each other. I had no clue what was about to happen. I didn't know that my best friend was about to get her bestest friend for life. It was cool though. I just knew that everything was going to change for the worse, because I wouldn't get to talk to her like I used to. I would not get to spend every waking hour with her like before. She had a husband. For a while there I was the only one of the group I grew up with that didn't have a husband. It sucked, big time. I got around it though. Eventually I figured out that life doesn't change that much. I realized that my friendship with Valerie might be altered slightly, but would never change completely. We still talk, share and cut up with each other like always. There are some things that we don't talk about, and I understand why. I realize that we can't hang out together all the time either. We miss each other all the time though. It's great to talk to one of your best friends and know that they truly are your friend no matter what. It warms your heart.

One promise I made to myself a long time ago was that no matter what happened I would stay dedicated to the people I cherish. I've had too many life experiences to know that you can't just run away and hide from the people you love. You've got to open yourself up to them and encourage them to keep up with you. I was lost in the chaos for a little while there. It was a strange place to be.

Ok, I'm just blabbing now.....I'm sure there are other things to write about.

I did get flowers today!! They are gorgeous! According to sources, I was supposed to receive them yesterday, but someone flubbed up. It's still awesome. Nice blend of flowers and no roses!! Woohoo!! I commend you, boyfriend, you rock!!

Ok, people, I pray that life keeps you active and healthy, happy and fun. I love you all!


Can You Fax Me a Schedule???

I tell you what I can fax.....I can fax a transcript, I can fax an application, I can fax proof of payment, I can fax an immunization form....that's what I can fax. Can I fax a schedule? Nope, my fingers are broken. The fax machine doesn't work. I forgot my code. I just remembered that the cover sheet is typed wrong and I can't send any faxes. Would any of those excuses really work? If I had the guts, I would try at least one. I didn't though. Instead I just said, "What's your name? What's the fax number? I'll try to get it to you in a few minutes."

Laziness is not an excuse. Remember that. Venting finished (maybe). So today wasn't the most pleasurable day at work. The phone rang non-stop. Stupid questions, one right after the other. Grrrrrr. The first two hours of my morning were spend sorting registration forms for each department (not part of my job description). Needless to say I was not thrilled to the bone about it. Oh well.

I'm looking forward to this weekend and the next. I could care less that it's my birthday in two weeks. I'm more excited about the fact that Scott will be flying in next Thursday night. I'm sooooo excited. It feels like we've been away from each other for months!! I think it's only really been about two weeks now. We really stink at this being away from each other thing. Not exciting.

We're going to Six Flags for my birthday!! Roller Coasters!!! Woohoo!! I can't wait to scream my head off. Oh my gosh, it's going to be awesome. Then we are going to either the Botanical Gardens or the Zoo or both. I'm not sure what we decided yet. I think I would be more thrilled about the gardens. I've been to the Zoo a lot lately. We'll see.

I'm really crazy about this guy. It's so scarey. I've never felt like I would spend my entire life with someone before, but I don't doubt for a moment that I could spend the rest of my life with this man. Really scarey. We'll take it one day at a time. That's the best way. Anyhow, I dunno. I could probably talk about more, but I really just don't want to right now. Maybe tomorrow. Later.


Nothing New

Nothing new to report. I figured I would wait until this afternoon to really try and post anything. I've got a few to talk about, but would rather form it in my brain first.


Odd Day and Still Nothing New

Today was pretty much just like every other day. The wind and rain was a little rough and there were tornados (tornadoes?), but there were no accidents where I was. I had to recruit at Jackson County Campus of MGCCC in Gautier. Normally I would dread this task because it is a tad bit on the boring side. Today, I decided to write in my journal while I was there. It made the time go by extremely fast. I ended up fixing up my journal page and writing in it and then it was time to leave. Good stuff.

It was raining so hard that I suckered myself into buying an umbrella from the bookstore at the school. Stupid stupid!! It was 17 dollars and it was crappy!! Not happy about that one. I may see if I can get the school to pay for it. I still have the receipt. hehe, would be nice if it worked.

My boss sent me home from work an hour early today. I dunno what was up with that. He always teases me and says, "How's my favorite Admissions Lady today?" I always reply, "I'm your only Admissions Lady, and I'm fine thanks." Today he was in a good mood, but he kept checking on me. Strange stuff. He asked me if I had lunch, if I was feeling well, if I was tired. He made me feel like I was pregnant or something the way he was acting. I just didn't understand it. I kept telling him I was fine and everything was great. Odd. He ended up sticking his head in my office at about 5 and told me to go home and get some rest. Wierd! So I did. I left work at 5 instead of 6 and went home to rest. I ended up going over to my friend's house to have a Bible study. It was good. I learned a lot.

16 more days and my boy will return to me. Not that I'm counting or anything. Later taters!


This is My Boy

Well, the long awaited pictures have arrived. Ok, maybe they weren't long awaited, but I wanted to put them on here anyway so you guys could catch a glimpse of him. I had a great weekend with him. We went to the aquarium Saturday and to Art openings in New Orleans. So much fun.

Last night around 1 o'clock Scott decided he couldn't procrastinate any longer and left for Colorado Springs, Colorado. It was so hard to tell him bye. I knew that it would only be 20 days and he would be back, but still, it was hard. He's driving as I type this. I hope he makes it there safely.

I don't know....I can't think of much to say today. Still full of thoughts but can't pinpoint one to type about. Maybe later.

Sweet smile. Goofy too. Posted by Hello

This is my boy! Posted by Hello