
Finally Some Progress!

Well, good news...I finally got to talk to a florist that I connected with. This lady was super nice, completely honest (as far as I know) and enthused about the way I like things. That made me feel so nice. For the first time in a while, I actually got excited about getting all of this stuff together. I've really felt bogged down lately, and Friday was so refreshing. I think it's going to work out nicely.

Next thing on my list to conquer.....food.


1. Buy food from Sam's and get someone to put it together nicely.
2. Get the ladies of the church to cook and put it together.
3. Get our families to cook their favorites.
4. Get a caterer.

Are there other options I'm unaware of?

Here's the way I look at it. I love good food. Scott does too. I want people to enjoy themselves and get some good eats too. It doesn't have to be super elaborate or anything, but I would love, love, love to have a nice setup-up with some fabulous foods. (I really want some chocolate covered strawberries somewhere on one of those tables!)

Any suggestions? How about you married folks out there? What did you do for food at your wedding? How did you handle it?

My family is great, but as far as food goes, I really don't see them cooking up some stuff for my reception. So really, option #3 is focused more on Scott's side of the family than mine.

Know any photographers? We are on a budget, and I don't know how much we've budgeted for the photographer. I do know that they do not come cheap. Man, I really would like to have some gorgeous pictures. Here is my main problem. I know I would much rather have photo journalistic type pictures than traditional "line up and smile" pictures. I like the life pictures have when they are unexpected or natural. Also, because I love photography, I know what looks good and what doesn't. It's hard for me to believe that I could get a non-professional friend to take the pictures and get the ones I want. I'm scared to do it. I know that aside from the memories, pictures are really the only thing you have left after the wedding. Plus, my reception is going to be at night (yet another task to overcome for amateur photographers). Lighting is everything. What should I do? I'm trying not to be picky about this (really I can't afford to), but it's hard not to want this part to be right.

I thought about asking all of you who are fabulous amateur photographers to bring your cameras and some film and snap away. Then I would develop the film and pick the ones I want the most. Then I worried that no one would be able to get good reception pictures. I'm not so concerned about the ceremony part, because the church is gorgeous and with a regular camera you can get fabulous pictures without even trying. I've already snapped a few and they came out great. The lighting is natural and beautiful.

Enough of that....

I talked to Scott the other day. I'm keeping a countdown in my head. My numbers say that he'll be home in about 6 days. That is, he'll be in the United States, not Mississippi. Still though, if this is correct that means that in 6 days when I miss his call, I can call him back!!! I'm so excited about that. I hate missing his calls. It makes me want to cry every time. We have impeccable timing too. Every time I walk away from my phone for two seconds (because I really do have it attached to my body at all times for him) he decides to call me. I mean EVERY TIME! I missed two calls yesterday because I left my phone in my car while I ate at Sonic at the picnic tables. I was letting it charge. I missed three calls one day because I forgot to take it off silent mode after church. Three calls!!! It was right beside me! GRRRR....aggravation. I can't wait to get to talk to him and not hear a piercing sound in my ear, hear myself, or get the "you've been talking for thirty minutes now and we are going to cut you off" beep.


dangermama said...

ok, as far as receptions go, is it sit down? if so, and the ladies of the church wouldnt mind doing it, then I would do that, if not, get it catered - you and your family will have too much going on to concentrate on that....

if its just finger foods, as most receptions are, then go to sams and get everything, and just do it before the wedding, and have people designated to put it out and keep the trays filled.... also, if you do this option, dont really do any kind of sweets (besides fruit and mints) - you want people to eat the cakes - which by the way, if you havent ordered it yet, get it for about 50-75% of the people that are invited (say if there are 100 people invited, just order a cake that is enough for 50-75 people) - everyone you invite is not going to show up and everyone is not going to have cake - this will cut down on your costs and wasted food...

as far as photographers go get a professional - seriously, your wedding/reception will go so fast and all be a blur.... shop around and see whose work you actually like.... also, if you want, ask a few friends to snap pics for you as well.... and leave a few disposable cameras around the reception with a note for people to pick them up and take a shot or two - that way you get some real stuff in there as well, and it will be alot of fun when you get them developed b/c you will have no idea what is on them (and if there are any pics left on the roll, use them for your honeymoon)

let me know if I can help with anything.... love you

dangermama said...

oh yeah, as far as choc covered strawberries go... be aware that these ruin easily if its really humid, so make sure the a/c is cranked up...

and if you are doing the food yourself.... a really pretty way to do these is to get some floral foam in the shape of a cone (its about the size of a small Christmas tree - about 18 in. or something)... cover it in lettuce leaves using toothpicks, and then using toothpicks cover that with the strawberries - its really pretty, takes up less space, offers height to your food table, and people can just get them off with the toothpicks sticking out...

D. Wallace said...

Thanks for the advice Addie. I think you are the only one that actually reads this thing. hehe

I like the idea about the strawberries. I know I really want some, even if they aren't covered in chocolate, because they are favorite fruit (along with watermelon).

The reception is going to be at night outside, so as far as cranking up any AC's, I don't think we are going to have that. I haven't really thought about whether the tent is going to be hot or not. I know last year, about that time of year, it was perfect weather. That is what I'm praying for. Not too hot and not too cold.

dangermama said...

or maybe Im the only one that loves wedding stuff... he he

I cant remember the exact wedding date, but if it were me, and since its outside, I would skip the chocolate part and just go for the strawberries... or watermelon would be delicious - especially if you can do a watermelon basket (its really not that bad) and then fill it with watermelon pieces/balls & strawberries (and other fruit if you like).... mmmm, so good