
Probably time for a Post

I've been putting this off because I actually wanted to have something to tell about. Not much going on right now. I've been trying to get the apartment in order, and I'm job hunting (which I hate).

I've noticed that my sinus problems are almost obsolete here, which is a lovely thing.

Colorado is gorgeous
(surprise, surprise).

This is the view from our patio. Lovely.

Scott is at work from about 6 until 5 so I have to entertain myself throughout the day. I feel bad because I want to have a job so I can contribute to the funds. I also want to be without employment because there are so many more things you can do during the day. I'm getting the "itch" though. I need to have a routine. I guess it is just because I'm used to having one. I would like to at least find a part time job so I can make a little money and get out of the house more. I want to drive around and discover stuff, but I know if I do that I won't have much gas. My funds are getting kinda small. Scott has offered to help, but I just don't want him to have to do that.

We have a dining room table!

Ok, so I know that isn't great big news, but for us it's fabulous! We bought it a couple of days ago. I'm so excited about it. Now we can actually eat dinner at the table and play games and such. Fun stuff. We are steps away from having the apartment in order so that we can invite people over.

Germany.......Scott got his orders for Germany. We have to be there, I think, no later than April. Exciting!! I'm nervous. Very nervous. I can't wait though. There is so much that has to be done before then.

We are trying to get a date nailed down for the wedding. All of this seems so out of order. I guess that's the way I've always been though. Anyway, I keep saying, "Let's get married as soon as possible!" The only thing is "as soon as possible" isn't as soon as I hoped. It's looking like the soonest we could have our ceremony would be November (and incredibly close to Thanksgiving which is not my preference). Scott has been throwing around January. I dunno. Too much to think about, and still it must be done.

So that's about it on this end. I miss everyone terrible. Haven't made any friends here yet. I'm working on it. Give me time. I need to get out more.

Until later!


dangermama said...

oh, just go ahead and get married at the courthouse and instead of having a wedding, have a reception for everyone to come see you guys as newlyweds.... much less cost and planning

D. Wallace said...

Well, I tried to talk Scott into that, but he just won't go for it.

I understand why.

We'll get there eventually.

Anonymous said...

I miss you ReRe!!

I hope you get to come back home for Christmastime!

Anonymous said...

hey girlfriend!
i think about you everyday and can't wait to see you again. Guess what...we got a puppy! Eric had labs and we got one :)
i miss you and love your new table

Anonymous said...

I agree with Addie. Try talking Scott into that idea. Tell him Mississippi Girls know how to do things the right way!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Addie. Try talking Scott into that idea. Tell him Mississippi Girls know how to do things the right way!