
Your Lifetime Has Come

Ok, so about the new fella (Bennett, this one's for you). His name is Scott Wallace. He and I grew up together. He is about 4 years older than me and was in the same grade as my brother in school. We went to church together. I had a huge crush on him when I was little, but I never said anything to him because my friend was dating him. I'm not one to butt into relationships like that (or at least I've tried not to be). He liked me but since I was 12 and he was 16, thought it best that he didn't act on his feelings. I mean come on, I was a little twerp and he was in high school. So anyway, we grew up. He joined the Air Force and I went to college. Seven years later, after many changes in both of our lives, we met up again. We started talking a little but lost contact. Fast forward to about three weeks ago. He came down to Keesler to take classes for his E7 badge or whatever the heck all that stuff is (yeah, I'm not up on the lingo for military). He gave me a call and we started hanging out.

It's been great. He has such a huge heart. He is one of maybe two guys that I have dated that actually completely cared about God's will for his life. It makes my heart glad to know that all those things I put in for when I was asking God for a relationship are filled by each and every one of Scott's characteristics. It's amazing.

So there's your cheese. I don't mind cheezin it up for a little bit. I've got to some time.


Something New is in the Air

You're green, Patrick.....green.

Something new, something cool, something quite wonderful is happening. I guess I should say now that I am no longer a member of the "single's club". I am now an official member of the "couples". Yes folks, my time has arrived. (May I add, it's about dang time!!!)

No, I'm not going to get big headed about this. Can't you tell? Actually, to be completely honest, I'm so excited. A wonderful guy, who I've known for a very long time has popped into my life, and I'm so thankful. He's a great man. I adore him. God has something working here that makes my heart very full, even cheesey.

Aside from the whole relationship, things with the Blazer are good. I'm working on getting the kinks worked out of it. I have to get my tag still. I need to get the brake lights fixed. They were messed up before I bought the thing. Joe agreed to pay for the repairs if I would just take it to get it fixed. I'm down with that.

I've decided that classes are a definite. I'll be starting this summer. I've just got to make sure the funds are there. I'm looking at about $120 dollars if I do decide to take them. That's not bad at all.

Little did you guys know that I had a crazy spring break week a couple of weeks ago. I chose to leave my doggy at home while I traveled to Iuka to do business. Keep in mind that this was the first time I had ever left my dog at home with someone. Usually I just load him up and take him with me. This time I decided to give someone a chance to prove they were responsible. Little did I know that they would prove me wrong. On my way home that Tuesday night I got a phone call. My friend told me that my doggy ran away. I cried like a big baby. I was soooo sad. I was only gone three days and he left on the second day!! Broke my heart.

One week and a day later, I got a call from the Humane Society. They thought they had my doggy. I had put out flyers everywhere. I had given one to the Humane Society just in case someone brought him in because he didn't have tags on. Sure enough a lady brought him in and there he was. It was a miracle!! I was sooo excited. I left work early and picked him up. It cost me forty two dollars, but he was worth it. Every bit of it.

So now I have a dog, a boyfriend and a job. Things are good for now. We'll see how this goes.


Pimp my Ride

Well, I sold my car today. It felt strange handing my car keys over to someone I hardly knew and feeling the crispness of 100 dollar bills being placed in my hand. I almost felt dirty. I got $3000 for it (which is good) and put it in the bank for my down payment on Joe's Blazer. I picked up the Blazer tonight. Nice.

I'm contemplating my next step. This is huge for me. I've never decided to take on a responcibility such as this one. It's exciting and scarey all at once. I know I can handle it though. I have decided to take more classes. I'm going to start back on my MBA in the summer. I might as well finish this if I'm going to start it, right? I guess it will be worth it. Not to mention, it'll help the cost of my insurance. We'll see how this goes.

Haven't walked in a week. Not a good thing. I know I'm going to feel it when I start back this week. EEK! Oh well, that's what I get for being a bum. It made me feel good when I came home though. Mom and dad both thought I looked nice and could tell a difference. Bought time!!! I was beginning to wonder if it was worth all the work. It made me feel even better when they encouraged me to keep up the good work. Good mommy and daddy. I've got to start doing morning and night now though. April is approaching and I'm running out of time! Gotta get the move on.

Well, I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. I'd better get some rest. Until again. I'm watching you.


Tid-Bit of Info.

Well, I thought this would interesting to share. I talked to Joe, my brother, and found out that he got promoted at work. He is now the Regional Loss Prevention Man for Hibbett's Sports in the state of Mississippi. I am very proud of him. Also, he is moving to Jackson, MS!! Realizing that he will only be three hours away, I am very exciting about this fact! I'll be able to visit him and hang out. Good stuff.

Anyway, he has to get rid of his Blazer in order to make room for other things he would like. I told him that I wanted it. I do I do!! I want his blazer. So, I'm trying to sell my Lumina. I'm asking 3750.00 or best offer. So if you know anyone that wants a good car that is in good shape (has a lot of miles but mainly those are interstate miles) and needs a home, let me know. I've got to get rid of it before this month is over.

That's the 411 right now. Nothing much else is happening. I do think that I have a crush on someone though. Even if I am a little bit older to have a crush, I still do. More on that at a later date.