
Can You Fax Me a Schedule???

I tell you what I can fax.....I can fax a transcript, I can fax an application, I can fax proof of payment, I can fax an immunization form....that's what I can fax. Can I fax a schedule? Nope, my fingers are broken. The fax machine doesn't work. I forgot my code. I just remembered that the cover sheet is typed wrong and I can't send any faxes. Would any of those excuses really work? If I had the guts, I would try at least one. I didn't though. Instead I just said, "What's your name? What's the fax number? I'll try to get it to you in a few minutes."

Laziness is not an excuse. Remember that. Venting finished (maybe). So today wasn't the most pleasurable day at work. The phone rang non-stop. Stupid questions, one right after the other. Grrrrrr. The first two hours of my morning were spend sorting registration forms for each department (not part of my job description). Needless to say I was not thrilled to the bone about it. Oh well.

I'm looking forward to this weekend and the next. I could care less that it's my birthday in two weeks. I'm more excited about the fact that Scott will be flying in next Thursday night. I'm sooooo excited. It feels like we've been away from each other for months!! I think it's only really been about two weeks now. We really stink at this being away from each other thing. Not exciting.

We're going to Six Flags for my birthday!! Roller Coasters!!! Woohoo!! I can't wait to scream my head off. Oh my gosh, it's going to be awesome. Then we are going to either the Botanical Gardens or the Zoo or both. I'm not sure what we decided yet. I think I would be more thrilled about the gardens. I've been to the Zoo a lot lately. We'll see.

I'm really crazy about this guy. It's so scarey. I've never felt like I would spend my entire life with someone before, but I don't doubt for a moment that I could spend the rest of my life with this man. Really scarey. We'll take it one day at a time. That's the best way. Anyhow, I dunno. I could probably talk about more, but I really just don't want to right now. Maybe tomorrow. Later.


dangermama said...

Sorry you had a stupid day talking to stupid people with stupid questions...

I hope you have fun with your boy when he gets back... im jealous of getting to go out and have fun... :)

Dad said...

Where are you going to SIx Flags? Atlanta? DId they build one in MISSISSIPPI? LOL That'll be the day.

SO. Y'all are meeting APRIL 30? Convenient that that is before I can make it to your little gathering. I see how things are now. Because I'm not in your little "Female in Mississippi" club. Well, I'll have a gathering all by my self when none of you can make it. That'll teach ya...

dangermama said...

yeah quit whining bennett and come up early

*like the new layout... much more cheery than the black