
Good Things are Happening in the Hundred Acre Woods

It's good. I just finished a conversation with a student and awesome chick that I helped get admitted into the college. She recently got married and is pregnant. Things are going well for her. She's happy and has just decided to drop out of nursing school. I don't blame her. I've seen the students that are in the program. They are completely stressed out. She's got her head on straight. I'm proud of her.

Scott is coming today!!!!! I'm picking him up in New Orleans. Sooooooo excited!! We'll be heading off for Iuka Friday afternoon. I'm planning on hanging out with Valerie Sat. morning and Carrie Sat. night. Sunday we are going to go to church and then to his family's cookout. Yum. I'm so nervous. I hope that I don't do anything stupid and make everyone hate me. I want them to like me. I'm needy!! hehe Okay maybe not that bad, but I do want to make a good impression.

My dad is thinking about coming down to the coast for the fourth. I won't be here, but more power to him!

So today, I'm caught up on my work. I'm supposed to pick Scott up in New Orleans at 6. Gotta leave work early. I'm going to try to work through lunch so I can leave early. I think I may read a little.

I feel very mundane. Not exciting. Bland. Blah. I want to be brilliant!!! (in every sense of the word).


I'm So Bad

I got a new puppy. Her name is Anastasia. She's part beagle, part something else....not sure what. She's cute! I'll put a picture on here as soon as I can. Joe, my chihuahua, is unsure of the situation. He sniffed her all day yesterday and loved on her. Last night she cuddled up to him while he slept. He growled a little and moved. Then this morning he's marking everything!! I seperated them while I'm at work. I didn't wanna leave them, but I had to. So, we'll see how this goes. I'm excited and scared. I've never trained an inside puppy before.

Eight more days until Scott gets to come visit. I can't wait to see him. I'm looking forward to meeting his family at the cookout. I'm hoping he'll get to meet some of mine and we'll hang out with our friends too. I miss seeing Carrie.

The family reunion was cool. I got to see cousins I haven't seen in a long time. I realized that I don't want to fit in with all of my family. God love them. Some of them are too far gone. I love them all. I hope the best for them all. I wish that some of them could see life from a different perspective.


Back in the Swing of Things

Well, I've made it back to MS without any problems. I've been working, not too hard, this week to get things done. Orientation is aproaching, and I'm getting nervous. I'll deal with it.

Scott and I are counting down the days until he gets to move here. We are both SO excited. I think we both are to the point where we are ready to throw the telephones across the room and never talk on them. The only thing that keeps us from doing this is the fact that we won't be able to speak to each other after the mishap. So, we are being patient and enduring the phone calls.

My family reunion is this weekend. I'm debating about whether or not I'm going to attend. It's a 6 hour drive home and then I only have Fri., Sat., and Sun. for the weekend. I would have to come back Sun. and leave right after work Fri. I dunno what I'll do.

Hope all of you people are well! I know this wasn't a very exciting post. Maybe I'll think of something better soon. Later!


Colorado...I've Made It!

Yep, I'm here and loving it. I got off to a rocky start trying to get here. My flight got delayed, delayed, delayed, until I had to get another flight the very next morning. No worries. It made for a very pleasant trip. Scott picked me up at the airport. He had gotten stuck in traffic, so I was a little afraid he was either still asleep or I missed him. hehe, It got straightened out.

GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scott found out that his package to get moved to Gulfport for the MTL position is on his desk, waiting for him!! In other words.....SCOTT IS GOING TO BE MY NEIGHBOR!! It isn't "official" yet, but he's pretty much guaranteed for the position. I'm sooooo freakin excited! Come Sept. (fingers and toes are crossed) he will be living in Gulfport, MS! How completely awesome is that!! I screamed when he told me. Really, I did.

Well, I'm waiting for him to get back from a meeting so we can hang out and do whatever. Peace out homeys.


June 2nd and What a Glorious Day!

Yesterday my dad turned 53. I called him early that morning and sang "Happy Birthday" to his voice mail. So personal. Later that day he called to let me know he got the message and he was allowed to take off for the day to celebrate his birthday. Wish I could have been there. I miss home. Mainly I miss the feeling of home.

Last night I thought about everything that's going on in my life. I'm happy. I like this. Scott and I aren't sure where we will end up, but we are okay with that.

I leave Monday for Colorado. Just a few more days to go! I've been working extra hard this week to ensure that everything will be taken care of. I don't to give anyone reason to complain about my absence. Yeah.

I've got to get back to work, actually. Maybe more later.