
I'm So Bad

I got a new puppy. Her name is Anastasia. She's part beagle, part something else....not sure what. She's cute! I'll put a picture on here as soon as I can. Joe, my chihuahua, is unsure of the situation. He sniffed her all day yesterday and loved on her. Last night she cuddled up to him while he slept. He growled a little and moved. Then this morning he's marking everything!! I seperated them while I'm at work. I didn't wanna leave them, but I had to. So, we'll see how this goes. I'm excited and scared. I've never trained an inside puppy before.

Eight more days until Scott gets to come visit. I can't wait to see him. I'm looking forward to meeting his family at the cookout. I'm hoping he'll get to meet some of mine and we'll hang out with our friends too. I miss seeing Carrie.

The family reunion was cool. I got to see cousins I haven't seen in a long time. I realized that I don't want to fit in with all of my family. God love them. Some of them are too far gone. I love them all. I hope the best for them all. I wish that some of them could see life from a different perspective.

1 comment:

D. Wallace said...

Checked out your site Ed. I showed I think maybe 5 peopel the website you had on there (XXXChurch.com). Interesting. I enjoyed it, thanks.

Yes, it's puppy love. I like it. He's a good puppy.

So, I hear the big event is this weekend. I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to make it. Not enough funds. Depressing.