It made me laugh. I don't know who left it, but it made me feel good and I appreciate their kindness. Just wish I could return it! I also got a nifty little wrist rest. Cool stuff.
So I'm trying to actually work like I'm supposed to. It's so hard to concentrate lately. I'm a mess. I really am. Too much stuff going on in my brain and heart.
I gotta get off the serious notes......I'm planning a trip to Nashville Easter weekend!! My friend Carrie and I may be hitting the highway and getting out of Dodge! I hope so. I need to runaway for a while (again). The last time I took a trip was two weekends ago. I visited my brother for St. Patrick's Day. I always love getting to visit him. And I do mean that! He means a lot to me.
Sorry, not full of inquisitive thoughts or silly things today really, just living.
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It's just one of those days!