
Pentecostal Jumping Bean/Jumping Preacher

The preacher Biggie (Amanda) was referencing to in her comment on my last post was a preacher she had seen preaching revival at my home church one year while we were attending Northeast Community College. I had taken a group of people to a revival service with me, just so they could see what my church was like. People have so many, I'm not sure how to put it......they just make up in their mind how a pentecostal church will be because of what they may have heard. I always like for them to see if for themselves and make their own judgements based on their experience. I love visiting other churches so it is nothing to me to bring someone to visit mine. It's fun. I'll admit I'm not the most "by the book" Pentecostal, but I was born and raised that way.

The time that I did take Amanda and a few other friends to church with me was so much fun! Bro. Lambert, the jumping preacher, was in the middle of his sermon when the first thing he did that may seem unsual to some people was take off his shoes. Now I've seen this many times before. I mean, it isn't common or anything, but a preacher will do anything to get his point across. I think the thing that really did it for Amanda and everyone else was when he jumped up on the altar while he was preaching. I laughed inside because I knew they were probably thinking all kinds of things. I think Bro. Lambert puts it best when he says, "I'm feeling my Holy Ghost wheaties."

He's now the pastor of our church in Iuka. I love that church. There is a move of God there that is amazing. The pastor and his wife both have a heart for God that you would not believe. Plus, they are just silly. If we get 100 people at church, the pastor, the youth leader, and a couple more guys at our church are going to shave their heads. I'm rooting for 100!! I know it can happen. I'll be so funny!

Well, I was going to try to post a picture of Bro. Lambert on here, but the computer is giving me heck. I'll try again later. It's fun.

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