
It Takes My Pain Away

I guess today I'm reflecting more on things that are happening. January 8 one of my fellow classmates and friends passed away. He committed suicide. I don't understand how people come to that decision. It's crazy. What really gets to me is that I had spoken with him just a day or two before. He didn't say anything that would even lead me to believe that he was trying to reach out to anyone. He was just normal, laughing and goofing off like usual. I knew he had some hard times that he was still trying to get over, and he was very honest about them. He wasn't honest about the fact that he was contemplating suicide.

The sun is shining brightly today. It always warms me on the inside when it's warm on the outside. Yet another thing that take away the pain of other things. I was hoping for fair weather this weekend. I know the NE BSUers are headed this way today and I want them to have safe travel. Go get 'em Northeast!! Plus, my best friend Carrie is coming to see me. I'm really excited. It'll be the first time since graduation that any of my friends have come to see me. That was last May. It's definitely time for company.

Eli and I sent off his Graduate Application to California College of the Arts. What a load off my back!! That was stressing me out soooo much. Now we have to focus on the University of Georgia. I'll be glad when all of that is over!

K, gotta get back to work. Lots of love!


mic said...

Hate to hear that about your friend. Keep God central, He's the Power that we all seem to leave behind. Philippians 4:6-7

dangermama said...

hey, deresa... hope you are feeling better... let me know if theres anything you need...

I now have a blog - its under "gwenabee" at amanda's site...
