
Everything is in slow motion

Today feels like it took a long time to get here and isn't going anywhere anytime soon. My dog has been acting incredibly strange today too. I woke up around 7 this morning but could not convince myself that it was time to get up. I let Joe out and went back to bed. He came back in a woke me up so I'd put him on the bed. I had to get up to shut the front door though, so I picked him up and then I got out of bed. I dunno what's going on with my doggy. Even now he is sitting in my lap while I type this and he is shaking like crazy. He never used to shake like this. He has been behind my heels all day long today. I opened up the windows and front door hoping that it would make him happy, but he acts like he is scared to death! I dunno.

I got up around 12 and started my day. I ate toast and strawberry cream cheese. I never used to eat that combination, but I figured out it was pretty tastey so I try it more often. All of my cereal was gone anyway. Oh yeah, so this morning when I woke up one of my eyes was watering like crazy and was swollen. It freaked me out completely. Dan??? Did your mom give me something!?? I'm teasing. I think it's something in this apartment. Since I returned to Gulfport, I've been waking up to headaches and clearly messed up sinuses. Yeah. Fun stuff. They (and you ask, "who is they??") spray poison in our apartments every month to rid us of any bug problems that may occur. I may see if I can get that cut down to once every three months or something. I think it may be that. I don't know for sure though. Yet another reason I've been trying to let fresh air into my house. I've been cleaning too.

I'm trying to clean out my guest bedroom. I'm planning on having visitors this month. At least I hope so. So, all of you reading this.......it's about ready for you to use!! Please, take advantage of it! And Dan or Jared, if you do come down for Martin Luther weekend, I'm going to see if Carrie and I can get over there and maybe eat lunch or something with you guys. Let me know what you think.

I have a lot of crap. That's pretty much the best way to describe it. I have lots of papers and stuff that I keep just because I don't want to forget it. I'm trying to downsize. It's not going well. I've decided that anything that is written on paper can be typed on my computer and then filed in a nice little folder. That way, if I want to read it, I can just pull it up. Of course, it would be smart to back it up. If I lose it, I lose it. I'm not going to cry about it. I think it's easier to lose something that you've gone through the trouble of typing on the computer. That way, at least you got to read it one last time and you can't go back to the garbage and pick it up just to decide you can't throw it away. You know?

Gonna try to get more involved with my church. Pretty soon my church will be all I have for fellowship. I need to make more friends there. Eli will leave here around June or July and then I won't have anymore friends that I really hang out with. I probably won't go to Virginia Beach unless a lot of doors open. We'll see.

Sorry, I'm basically just rambling today. Maybe something more thought provoking tomorrow. Lots of love.

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