
Back from the Dead

You know I really shouldn't be up this late, but I wanted to give you people hope. I was sitting here trying to figure out how to conquer a game of Spider solitaire, when I realized that it's been ages since I've posted and I'm terrible for taking so long. Things have been really hectic lately. I'm glad for that, but I wish I had a break. I hate working. If I could be a stay at home whatever every day, I would. I hate working. Did I say that already?

Anyway, things have been good. I guess that's the best way to put it. Work has kept me busy with new students coming in and getting ready for the fall. Already. I'm setting up appointments with high schools and community colleges alike to stop by and drop off some things. I have to visit MGCCC campuses for the next two months. I've got to get the summer schedules out to the high school teachers so they'll hit us up for the summer term. I'm sure you guys want to know all of this. Sorry. Basically, I've got a lot of busy work to take care of.

I've definitely been able to identify the two things I hate the most about my job.

Item #1: I hate telling someone who definitely deserves to come to school that they cannot attend our school because of stupid reasons defined by people that are higher up than me. (I'm the one who sees these people get angry, upset, confused, sad, disappointed, etc.)

Item #2: I hate the fact that there are some people who hate doing their job more than I do and refuse to either wait on the students who come in or ANSWER THEIR FREAKIN PHONES!!! How hard is it to pick up a phone and say, "May I help you?" GRRRRRRR!!! That gets on my nerves!

So anyway, enough about that. I've been working out. Now this is the part I don't understand. You would think that after working out every day for a month that I would at least have lost some weight or something. I can't even tell a difference. I've been watching what I eat too. I dunno. Kinda makes me a little perturbed though. I can tell I have more leg muscles poppin out and I've lost some inches there. I can tell my (pardon) butt is perkier. Aside from that, I really can't tell much more of a difference. Hopefully that will change soon. I'm cutting back more on my food and eating more rabbit food.

I've also put myself on a budget. I'm really am trying to get it into gear. I got tired of feeling like a slug and knocked myself around a bit and things are happening. We'll see how this budget thing goes. I've never really been that great at keeping up with my money. I mean, I've never been in debt, but I haven't tried not to be. Make sense?

My dog was barking in his sleep a minute ago. It's the cutest thing. I always wonder what he's dreaming about or if he is dreaming. He's so little, he may be dreaming about chasing a great big dog and actually catching him (because he stopped barking). Speaking of my dog, I think he's gay. I don't want to think he is, but there have been too many instances that has proven my theory. He just doesn't give the women the attention. He likes to do things that are embarrassing to see over and over again when he meets boy doggies. I mean, I know he's a dog, and they do gross things like sniff each other's butts and lick certain areas. I just don't think there is an excuse for him to continue after a hour!! I can't take him anywhere. He just chases the boy dogs and licks them. People are weirded out by that. I dunno. I still love him. I need to get him a girlfriend or a nice fluffy toy to take his aggression out on. Craziness.

Bedtime. I've got to get some sleep or I won't be able to convince myself to get up and walk today. Laters peeps.

1 comment:

dangermama said...

should I start singing the Hallelujah Chorus - you posted! Im glad to see things are picking up for you - even though you have those people you work with... I think we all have people like that... hope it gets better for you!