
Pimp my Ride

Well, I sold my car today. It felt strange handing my car keys over to someone I hardly knew and feeling the crispness of 100 dollar bills being placed in my hand. I almost felt dirty. I got $3000 for it (which is good) and put it in the bank for my down payment on Joe's Blazer. I picked up the Blazer tonight. Nice.

I'm contemplating my next step. This is huge for me. I've never decided to take on a responcibility such as this one. It's exciting and scarey all at once. I know I can handle it though. I have decided to take more classes. I'm going to start back on my MBA in the summer. I might as well finish this if I'm going to start it, right? I guess it will be worth it. Not to mention, it'll help the cost of my insurance. We'll see how this goes.

Haven't walked in a week. Not a good thing. I know I'm going to feel it when I start back this week. EEK! Oh well, that's what I get for being a bum. It made me feel good when I came home though. Mom and dad both thought I looked nice and could tell a difference. Bought time!!! I was beginning to wonder if it was worth all the work. It made me feel even better when they encouraged me to keep up the good work. Good mommy and daddy. I've got to start doing morning and night now though. April is approaching and I'm running out of time! Gotta get the move on.

Well, I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. I'd better get some rest. Until again. I'm watching you.


Dad said...

You always did like to make up little poems. Um yes, you know me. Congratulations on the blazer. Good luck on finishing the mba or whatever it was you wanted to do. So, yeah, I just wanted to say "hey".

Anonymous said...

Smange, there is no way that I wouldn't remember you. Goofy girl...just because it's been a few years doesn't mean my mind has gone blank. hehe

Hello to you too.

Yeah, Bennett, little poems are fun. Thanks.

Jared.....if you certainly loved me like you claim you do, you would realize that my birthday is in April and I want to look good for my quarter of a century. Men.