
Something New is in the Air

You're green, Patrick.....green.

Something new, something cool, something quite wonderful is happening. I guess I should say now that I am no longer a member of the "single's club". I am now an official member of the "couples". Yes folks, my time has arrived. (May I add, it's about dang time!!!)

No, I'm not going to get big headed about this. Can't you tell? Actually, to be completely honest, I'm so excited. A wonderful guy, who I've known for a very long time has popped into my life, and I'm so thankful. He's a great man. I adore him. God has something working here that makes my heart very full, even cheesey.

Aside from the whole relationship, things with the Blazer are good. I'm working on getting the kinks worked out of it. I have to get my tag still. I need to get the brake lights fixed. They were messed up before I bought the thing. Joe agreed to pay for the repairs if I would just take it to get it fixed. I'm down with that.

I've decided that classes are a definite. I'll be starting this summer. I've just got to make sure the funds are there. I'm looking at about $120 dollars if I do decide to take them. That's not bad at all.

Little did you guys know that I had a crazy spring break week a couple of weeks ago. I chose to leave my doggy at home while I traveled to Iuka to do business. Keep in mind that this was the first time I had ever left my dog at home with someone. Usually I just load him up and take him with me. This time I decided to give someone a chance to prove they were responsible. Little did I know that they would prove me wrong. On my way home that Tuesday night I got a phone call. My friend told me that my doggy ran away. I cried like a big baby. I was soooo sad. I was only gone three days and he left on the second day!! Broke my heart.

One week and a day later, I got a call from the Humane Society. They thought they had my doggy. I had put out flyers everywhere. I had given one to the Humane Society just in case someone brought him in because he didn't have tags on. Sure enough a lady brought him in and there he was. It was a miracle!! I was sooo excited. I left work early and picked him up. It cost me forty two dollars, but he was worth it. Every bit of it.

So now I have a dog, a boyfriend and a job. Things are good for now. We'll see how this goes.


dangermama said...

Awesome! Im so happy for you and your relationship/doggy/job thing... he he... so, is it anyone we know?

you deserve all the best, so glad you are finally getting it... love you

Dad said...

I had the book "Pokey Little Puppy" when I was a kid. It influenced me greatly even to this day.

I've been checking this blog for what seems like months waiting to hear the dramatic conclusion of the "Pimp my Ride" story. Finally I had closure, BUT WHAT'S THIS?? a new twist. I guess we'll have to wait another lifetime to find out about Deressa's Bo.