
It's Soooo Hard

That Boys 2 Men song keeps playing in my head right now. It's true though. It's sooo hard to say goodbye to yesterday and even today really. Right now, it's so hard to say goodnight to my boy. I miss Scott so much. Saying goodnight to him on the phone is terrible. It makes me sad.

I know that in the long run all of this will be fine. We'll be in the same area and we'll get to hang out all the time. I really do look forward to that part of our lives together.

I want the world for Scott. I want to know that he can and will be happy for the rest of his life. I now that hard times will come, but I can't help but hope that I'll be there for those times to comfort him and tell him it will be alright. I love him so much and I'm so thankful for him. There's nothing like seeing him smile. I love to see his eyes light up and twinkle. His smile is so sweet and caring. He's so adorable.

Work has been hard lately. As soon as I get there I want to leave. I'm not working on my Masters so it is very aggitating working for the school. I don't feel like I'm needed there. I know my job is needed, but I just don't think I am. I would much rather be restoring photographs at my house and taking care of the chores around the house than getting up and going to an office to sit and look at paperwork all day. It's just not my cup of tea.

Anyway, gotta go, Scott is waiting to talk to me on the phone before the night is over. I've got things to listen to. Until later.

1 comment:

dangermama said...

just echoing the sentiments - so happy for you... dont listen to mags, Boys 11 Men will always be cool.... he he