
Good Things are Happening in the Hundred Acre Woods

It's good. I just finished a conversation with a student and awesome chick that I helped get admitted into the college. She recently got married and is pregnant. Things are going well for her. She's happy and has just decided to drop out of nursing school. I don't blame her. I've seen the students that are in the program. They are completely stressed out. She's got her head on straight. I'm proud of her.

Scott is coming today!!!!! I'm picking him up in New Orleans. Sooooooo excited!! We'll be heading off for Iuka Friday afternoon. I'm planning on hanging out with Valerie Sat. morning and Carrie Sat. night. Sunday we are going to go to church and then to his family's cookout. Yum. I'm so nervous. I hope that I don't do anything stupid and make everyone hate me. I want them to like me. I'm needy!! hehe Okay maybe not that bad, but I do want to make a good impression.

My dad is thinking about coming down to the coast for the fourth. I won't be here, but more power to him!

So today, I'm caught up on my work. I'm supposed to pick Scott up in New Orleans at 6. Gotta leave work early. I'm going to try to work through lunch so I can leave early. I think I may read a little.

I feel very mundane. Not exciting. Bland. Blah. I want to be brilliant!!! (in every sense of the word).


dangermama said...

you are brilliant, what are you talking about?

be careful and have fun!

Dad said...

just wanted to let you know I'm still reading this thing from time to time. Glad things are going well.

dangermama said...

I vote for a new post - its been almost a month!

D. Wallace said...

It's coming. Give it time.
I'm having trouble getting my site to show up. I dunno what's going on.

I had to go around the woods to get this comment to post.