
Here It Is

Well, I'm in Brandon, MS still. I just checked out footage of the storm. Not good. I don't know what lies in store for me now. I don't know when I can go home, I don't know if I will still have a job, I don't know what is left of everything. It's depressing.

It will be ok. Right? Check out http://www.wlbt.com for footage. That's my home, or at least what is left of it. I'm a little scared.


Running from the Storm

Well, I'm here in Brandon, MS hiding from the hurricane. I fear I didn't run far enough. We'll find out tomorrow I guess. I didn't realize that it was going to be as bad as they are predicting. I wish I had packed more things that were close to me. I forgot my journals, pictures, artwork. Oh well. Hope everything is ok and makes it through the storm. I'm really worried about all those people who decided to stick it out. I pray they will be safe. Craziness!

Me, JoJo and Joe (my brother) are going to stick it out here and see how it goes.

I'm not moving to Colorado. Scott is going overseas to the Middle East sometime in December. It has changed everything for us. We are going to see this through and pray for the best. I know that it will be very hard for me to take advantage of seeing him. I will treasure every moment I get to be around him and see him. I miss him bunches. I can't imagine how it is going to be in a few months. I'm scared. It'll be ok though. God will give us strength.


Wow, Stress...Relief....Stress Again

I fear that I will be a psychotic weirdo before the end comes. All of this "trying to decide whether or not to go" stuff is really doing a job on me. I don't know where I'll be headed in two weeks, but God willing, I'll be going where I'm supposed to be going. Geezum, this stuff is crazy.


I miss this face soooo much. Yeah, I'm feeling boyfriend sick. I miss him tons. I wish there was a miracle in the making. We did find out that Scott did not get the position at Keesler. We are back at square one. What's next?

Decisions to be made. I really wanna just pack my bags and head to Colorado, but after much prayer and deliberation, it looks like that won't be what I will be doing. We are still discussing options. I know we do have to keep our heads on straight about everything. I've just found a great church to get involved with and work isn't too horrendous. Things could be worse for me. I really need to finish my Master's degree. I want to save money. It would be easier for me to stay here.

Scott is looking into other positions on the Coast (there aren't really that many near here) and trying to figure out his next move. I want him to be happy. If that means that he doesn't re-enlist and that he moves here, so be it. I just want him to be smart about everything. I guess part of me has selfish reasons for wanting him to stay in. I know that he gets great benefits with the military. Retirement, I've heard, is not bad at all. I like the idea of that. Of course, there's always the opportunity to travel with the military. There are the downsides too, and for those reasons I know it is more important for him to do what will make him happy. I don't want him to worry about deployment. That's a big deal. I don't want him to hate his job. I try not to tell him my opinion too much about what he should do because I don't want to be an influence. I know I already am somewhat of an influence, otherwise he wouldn't want to be moving here to be closer. I mean, come on. I feel bad enough about that. I dunno. It's all confusing.

What I do know: I love and appreciate Scott very much. Whatever happens, we'll make it through it and we'll still be the couple we are. No matter what kind of job he has, he's my man. Money isn't everything. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend.

So there, we'll get through this, right?

Aside from that, work is crazy. No one is here today. It's me and about three other people. I hate phones. They ring. GRRRRRRRRR! It doesn't help that people on the other end of the phone pause every two seconds to say, "Uhm." It tries my patience. I'm so not a desk person.


Yadda Yadda Yadda

I think I can Yadda Yadda Yadda this. It's a typical day at school. Finished a lot of paperwork and now I'm goofing off. I'm planning on working on my portfolio today. I forgot my laptop so I'll have to get that at lunch, if not sooner.

Gotta go, be back.


A Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can You Believe it!!??!!

Finally, for all you post seekers. Here it is....just for you. You know what???? Check out my xanga for this one. I can't type right now. Sorry!! http://xanga.com/freepuppy Laters!