
Running from the Storm

Well, I'm here in Brandon, MS hiding from the hurricane. I fear I didn't run far enough. We'll find out tomorrow I guess. I didn't realize that it was going to be as bad as they are predicting. I wish I had packed more things that were close to me. I forgot my journals, pictures, artwork. Oh well. Hope everything is ok and makes it through the storm. I'm really worried about all those people who decided to stick it out. I pray they will be safe. Craziness!

Me, JoJo and Joe (my brother) are going to stick it out here and see how it goes.

I'm not moving to Colorado. Scott is going overseas to the Middle East sometime in December. It has changed everything for us. We are going to see this through and pray for the best. I know that it will be very hard for me to take advantage of seeing him. I will treasure every moment I get to be around him and see him. I miss him bunches. I can't imagine how it is going to be in a few months. I'm scared. It'll be ok though. God will give us strength.

1 comment:

dangermama said...

awww, deresa, that is going to be so hard, but I know you will see it through, you are such a strong person... love you