
Stupid Shoes and Sleepy Eyes

Man oh man I am fighting it today. I can't seem to keep my eyes open! The more I try not to be sleepy, the more sleepy I feel. Bad joojoo.

Work is going well. I'm task oriented right now. I got my boss to number the projects I'm working on in order of importance. Now I can figure out what to work on next. Tabloid. I have to put together a tabloid for the school. It's about 32-35 pages long. It will have ads (from what I've been told) and will need to be set up for print. Goody goody. I'm so not excited about this. I know it will be fun to put together. It is the gathering of information that gets to me. Oh well.

Scott is coming home in about three weeks!! I finally got to talk to him. I had already decided he had found a desert queen and stopped loving me. Crazy thoughts. It turns out that a tower was knocked down or out or something. Communication had been cut off. So yeah. Three weeks. I can't wait to see him.

I think I'm probably going to go from cold feet to warm whatever every week or so. I'm fine right now. I'm not freaking out about getting married. I'm not worried about the fact that we've never lived in the same state. I'm not freaking over the fact that I haven't seen him in 6 months and won't see him (except for the two weeks he will visit) until the wedding. I'm fine. Last week I wasn't so fine. I was freaking. I'm good now. I just don't want to freak Scott out. I love him so much. I don't want to worry him.

So what's next? I'm working on the same things I've been working on for the past 6 months. Still haven't gotten anything done for the wedding. I realized the other day that Scott and I have to get our picture taken. We don't have an engagement picture at all. Nothing. So when he does come to visit, I need to have an appointment scheduled already for our engagement shots. Scarey stuff. We've got to get the guys suits while he is here too. Wow, lots to do.

Is anybody out there?

1 comment:

dangermama said...

Im still here.... :)