
Christmas Time's A Comin.....

There aren't many more days until Christmas. I'm glad. I'll admit that I'm not anxious about the whole "who are you spending christmas with" crap I'll have to go through once I get to Iuka, but I'm trying not to think about it just yet. Looking forward to slugburgers and friends. I would like to hunt down a few people and give them some much needed loving. Dan Marsh, you're on my list. Jared, if I can find you, you'll definitely need to be prepared for a great big hug. The Christmas spirit makes me lightheaded.

So what's the plan? Well, I'm working on cleaning my apartment and getting everything in line so I can head north for the winter. I've got to do some laundry, dishes, sweep, mop (the usual housework). Then, I've got to run some errands. Lots to do, not enough time. I'm going to try to leave early so I may take my time and not roll in the Iuka area around 1 a.m., like I am very prone to doing. I'm shooting for 1 p.m. this time. We'll see what happens. I'm thinking Christmas Eve with Mom and Joe and her rat for a boyfriend (grrrrrrr, I don't like him) and then Christmas Day with Dad and Aunt Dorothy and hopefully not his blonde disaster for a girlfriend (not very partial to her either). I know, I'm not very nice. I'm trying to grow out of it. My parents should have to grow up first though, it isn't fair. hehe, I love them anyway.

K, lots to do..........gotta jet. SMOOCH to you all!!


Tale as old as time

It has become increasingly harder to try and post. My computer at work is the pits, with a capital PITS! So, tonight I had the pleasure of attending a show at the Grand Casino of Beauty and the Beast. Hats off to those guys!! They did such a superb job. I was really impressed. I had a great time too. Me and my friend Cecily and another girl that I'm just getting to know better went to the show. hmmm....may try to find a way to put her picture on here. I'll keep thinking about that one.

So today was really nice. All I did today was relax at work and enjoy the day. It was still a little chaotic but not as much as before. I ended up taking my laptop to work and pluggin it up in the lobby area so that Jessica and me could watch the Princess Diaries 2 and hang out. I love my work. hehe I can't complain. For the latter part of the afernoon I sat crocheting. Yeah, not much to do when you are in the middle of a trimester. Fun fun fun.

WE ARE OUT FOR CHRISTMAS!!!! I get to spend time at home and away from everything. My little doggy Joe will get to see my wild banchie hair all day now, because I'm probably going to be a bum tomorrow and Sunday (excluding the time I will go to church) and look how I wake up. Yeah. I love being a woman. That's it for now. I always think of stuff to put before I get on here, and then when I do, I forget everything. What's on the other side of my brain????

Homecoming at William Carey. Yes, I was a maid. Always a maid, never a queen. Posted by Hello

Fun sky! Posted by Hello

Have you seen this kid? Posted by Hello

What's for dinner?? Looks like dogfood. Tastes like chicken. Oh! It must be Ramen! Posted by Hello


Joe, the dog. Isn't he sweet!? Posted by Hello

Ok, so here I am. Posted by Hello

Just a little Jazzy

Oh wow! I had a good time tonight. Sorry about the semi to almost completely dullish post earlier today. I wanted to put something down, but I was in a hurry. You know how it goes. Indeed.

So I ended up getting to work today. I really didn't do much work. I did get to go to McDonald's before I went to my office, hehehe, and I picked up a Egg McMuffin (super size, super size, it's a beautiful thing). I think about that movie every time I go to McDonald's now. I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing. I just know that I like being addicted to fatty foods. yum. :o) What was my point??? Oh.....I picked up some food for me and the new receptionist chick, Jessica. It made me about 15 minutes late for work too. I work hard to keep my reputation. lol.....as a slacker!! I sat down at my desk and ate my breakfast. Pretty much my day consisted of answering retarted questions that (I'm sorry) people of college age should already know the answer to. Why are people so special the older they get???? I felt like the all-knowing genie. Of course, I don't have a lamp. I need one. I did a little crochet work and finished up a scarf I was making for Darby, my seven year old neighbor across the parking lot. I helped a few computer illiterate people today too. I mean, yeah, I'm not that talented at computer work even though I know a good bit, but I know they aren't as dumbfounded as they let on about things.

*Choosing not to write about someting I wanted to write about because I changed my mind at the last minute*

Let's see.....cut to the chase. I went over to my friend Dave's house to "jam out". I took my trumpet, which I haven't played in probably 3 years. It was so much fun just getting to let go and play. It took me a little while to get my mouth set again. It felt great. I miss music. I miss that feeling I get when have the chance to compose. It's such a high.

I stayed over at Dave's house for about two hours. Just got home a little while ago. My toes feel like ice cubes. I like it. hehe Oh, to let you know, my dog Joe was named by his previous owners. It is actually short for Joey. I'm not much on Joey's, never really have been, so I shortened it to Joe. Whenever my brother Joe is around, I call my doggy Little Joe. It works out.

I wanted to do a "Day in the Life of....." kind of post, but I decided against it. Maybe some other time I will get the chance to share my agenda with you. hehe, it's not like it's that interesting. I feel the need to create. I want to do art. I want to use my hands and plan a piece. I miss art school soooooo much. Sooooooooo much. :o(

Gosh, I feel like I could put much more, but I'm trying to keep it down to a minimum. I don't want to bore everyone to death. I guess I'll cut it out here. More to come!


Ten, nine, eight seven........

I was going to put a post on here yesterday but discovered that at work my computer is so friggin messed up I can barely check my e-mail. Definitely a disappointment. So here I am....it's morning. Yeah, boring. I woke up and took Joe (my dog) out this morning. He was so quick this morning! Yah for my doggy!!!! Good job Joe!! I always hate standing there waiting for him to do his business and then walking home. I freeze to death when it's cold and look incredibly silly because I just woke up and my hair is flying everywhere. My eyes are always swollen and puffy in the morning too (partly because of living with an animal I'm guessing) so when I see people I look like I have snowballs for eyes and wild banchie hair. It's great.

Today is one day closer to Friday. YES!! Just two more days. I'm counting them down. I cannot wait to get out for Christmas!! I guess that is one awesome thing about working for a private university....you get outta school when they do. It's nice. I'm anxious to do nothing and hang out with my friends. There are certain people I would like to see. It's been too long.

Ok, well, I have to make this short because my iron is finally hot, gotta get ready for work (that includes fixing my wild banchie hair) and head out the door. Peace!


It Has Begun.....

You know I was thinking about this. I always like to keep things like this up, but I fail terribly. I would like to stick with something for a change. Plus, I wanted to be able to post comments to some of your sites. Yes, I'm keeping up with you people. You know who you are.

Anway, I spent the majority of this day thinking. I mean, yeah, I woke up, I went to church. By the way, I went to a new church today.....Bayou View Baptist Church. I tell you what...I liked it. I think it was because four of my friends go there and I didn't feel so out of place, but it was other things along with that. I enjoyed the pastor. He was cheesy and a little on the corny side, but what Baptist preacher isn't??? I've noticed this. hehe, no offense guys. Also, the people there seemed like they wanted to be there. They weren't in a rush to get out the door. They stuck around and spoke with each other. It was very encouraging. The church I usually attend is great, don't get me wrong, but it always seems like I just get lost in the crowd. There are about five people that probably realize I attend on Sundays. Aside from that small group, I think the rest of the people only have lunch on their mind. I don't blame them. It isn't that way at Baptist churches only either. It's a lot of churches. I'm learning.

After church my friend Chad invited Eli and me over to his house for lunch with he and his wife. It was fun. I got a new plant out of it too!! I'm trying to do this whole "growing plants in your office and home" thing. I really would like for them to live, but it seems the only plant I ever can get to stay alive is a cactus and I've had my moments with those. Just recently I was feeling good about having my cactus, Cloe, for more than two years. I think she knew I was proud, because I checked her out the other day and she's killing over on one side. The whole right side of her is just icky. It made me feel really sad. I watered her a little and stuck her in my picture window. Maybe she'll perk up. I dunno. I suck at plants. Definitely no green thumb on me. I'm lucky it's even a tint of chartruse. Oh well. hehe

So, Eli and I came home and I got a christmas present early!!!!! Woohoo!! I love it too. He picked up on the fact that I kept eyeballing this bracelet at a gallery in downtown G-port. He got it for me for christmas. Sweetness. I think he really wanted to give it to me so I could brag on him, because he kept asking me when we were going to exchange gifts. I kept telling him that I wasn't ready to exchange gifts. Of course, me being the raskel that I am, I asked if I could get one of presents anyway. Yep, I'm a booger. :o) Go figure.

Eli went to work and now I'm trying to work on his christmas present so I can either give him the picture book for his birthday or the BB gun for his birthday. I'd rather wait until closer to Christmas time to give him the BB gun. We'll see. If I can get this picture book thing done, I'll probably give that to him for his birthday and then right before I leave to go to Iuka, give him the BB gun. Still wish I had gotten a BB gun. He said he didn't feel right about giving a girl a BB gun. HA! I had two when I was younger. No big deal. Okay, I'm a tomboy anyway. I miss BB guns. :o( It is even CO2 powered and everything. *sniff sniff* I'll live.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I've got to do some house cleaning and picture booking, or picturing in a book? I dunno.