
Tale as old as time

It has become increasingly harder to try and post. My computer at work is the pits, with a capital PITS! So, tonight I had the pleasure of attending a show at the Grand Casino of Beauty and the Beast. Hats off to those guys!! They did such a superb job. I was really impressed. I had a great time too. Me and my friend Cecily and another girl that I'm just getting to know better went to the show. hmmm....may try to find a way to put her picture on here. I'll keep thinking about that one.

So today was really nice. All I did today was relax at work and enjoy the day. It was still a little chaotic but not as much as before. I ended up taking my laptop to work and pluggin it up in the lobby area so that Jessica and me could watch the Princess Diaries 2 and hang out. I love my work. hehe I can't complain. For the latter part of the afernoon I sat crocheting. Yeah, not much to do when you are in the middle of a trimester. Fun fun fun.

WE ARE OUT FOR CHRISTMAS!!!! I get to spend time at home and away from everything. My little doggy Joe will get to see my wild banchie hair all day now, because I'm probably going to be a bum tomorrow and Sunday (excluding the time I will go to church) and look how I wake up. Yeah. I love being a woman. That's it for now. I always think of stuff to put before I get on here, and then when I do, I forget everything. What's on the other side of my brain????

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