
Enter the Pink Eye

I feel like I'm down for the count. So two days into this I'm pretty sure that I have pink eye. Dan, I owe your mom one. hehe Hey, if you don't mind, ask her what she's taking for this stuff. My eye was all matted up this morning. I had to force my eye open. Not a pretty picture, mind you. Sorry for the details. I get to go to work tomorrow looking like Egore (however you spell that). All I need is a hump. I'm just hoping it doesn't move to the other eye or I may not be able to function. I'm still trying to think positive about this. Need to get medicine.

So beyond the pink eye, today has been good. I went to church in Ocean Springs today. My church I attend has moved to a high school now. They are in the process of getting their own building. Church was good. God pretty much re-enforced what I've been thinking. I need to make more christian friends here. I miss my cirlce of friends. I need that support and care from others who really want me to grow with God, not away from God.

That's about it for now. My head is swimming. Until later.


slow poke kate said...

Hi sweets! Ouch. Pink Eye. As a teacher, I have had this many times! No fun!! You can go to the doctor and get a prescription or do what I have done. It is an old remedy that my grandmother told me.
Ingredients: Sea salt
Warm water
Instructions: Soak a small amount of sea salt in warm water. A few drops in affected eye every 2-3 hours and by day two you should be cured.

slow poke kate said...

PS- this is extrememly easy to spread to your other eye as well as to other people. If you wear eye make up you have to throw it all away and buy new. The applicators are all infected--eye shadow brushes, mascara, etc etc.

I know, it stinks.

D. Wallace said...

Well, not to worry, the whole make-up thing doesn't bother me, because I don't wear it. I'm ok in that department. I have found out that it spreads to the other eye or other people easily. I've become OCD about washing my hands. Unfortunately I didn't receive your old rememdy before I went out and bought a prescription. This said perscription cost me $75.00!!! I wasn't happy. :o( Life goes on though. Thanks for the tippers though!