
First Day of Classes.....ACK!!

People go nutso when no one answers the phone. Isn't it a great thing that our receptionist is out sick today!! Yes folks, again, I am officially gifted with answering the lines. I think a Hallelujah praise chorus should start right.....NOW!

I had an eventful weekend, if you consider the fact that I was completely bummed out by not having my boyfriend here. Not to worry Scott, we will have our day. I cleaned house. Really, I did. I loaded up about four boxes/bags of stuff and took it to the Thrift Store. It felt good to get rid of some of that stuff. I also went through my pictures and tried to sort them out. That was a task. I read a little, washed dishes, swept and mopped, did laundry, painted.....oh the life I lead. It was thrilling to say the least (note the sarcasm I can only type).

I did manage to see the symphony outside in Long Beach at the USM campus. They had a free concert. It was a gorgeous night. I thoroughly enjoyed that part of my weekend.

Today looks like it is going to be hectic. I have a lot of work to do this week in order to get ready for next week. I will be OFF!! Yes, I will be in Colorado. All William Carey will see in the dust from my feet as I run for the hills. I can't wait! Let the countdown begin!


School Days, Drool Days, Dear Old Golden Rule Days

I'm sure that's not how the lyrics go, but it works for me. So, all is ringing off the hook here at William Carey. The phone never stops. Luckily I have little work and no one to ask if they may use my computer. So, as soon as I get my work done, it will be another free day for me!! Yippee!!

I talked to Scott this morning. He made it to New Hampshire with no problem. He'll be there until he gets finished with whatever the Air Force wants him to do and then he'll bolt back to Colorado and try to make his flight to Gulfport. I'm crossing my fingers and toes and saying a prayer. Please, please, please God.......please......let him make it this weekend.

I was going to walk this morning. Instead I made a bowl of cereal, gave my dog scrambled eggs and we sat down for some cartoons. Nice. Then I had to get ready for work. Maybe I'll walk this afternoon with him. I have to wait until it's cooler. It's soooo hot!!!!

Good day to you all!


Finally A Slow Day

I hope I don't speak too soon. I'm all caught up in my office, which allows me to do things I like to do. I get to post. I get to write. I get to read. I get to play. Nothing better than that. I talked to my dear boyfriend Scott last night. He flys out today to New Hampshire. I don't know if I'll get to see him this weekend or not. I really am praying that everything gets taken care of in time and he can make his flight here. That would be superb. Who knows if it will really happen?

Long distance relationships. You never really know what you are getting into until you've gone and done it. Here I am in love with a man that is thousands miles away from me. I figured I could handle it, but here lately I've been getting very frustrated. I'm not frustrated with him, just the situation. I get soooooo sick of the telephone. I hate phones. I'll never use one again!!! Ok, maybe I won't be that out there, but I'm really just tired of talking to Scott over the phone. We do the internet too, but nothing is better than talking to him face to face. I miss his face. I really really miss his face. OH WELL!

So I've noticed that I haven't had really much of anything to post lately. I used to be more creative with these things. All of my creativity has been flushed. I feel so drained (creatively speaking). I haven't felt like doing anything. I haven't painted in forever. I haven't written anything worth reading, sorry for that guys. God bless you for making it this far. I just feel blank. Dunno why. Guess I'll figure it out soon enough.


The Flame Hawk is my friend. Posted by Hello

Did I ever mention that I was a clam? Posted by Hello

Found My Boyfriend, Wish I Could Lose Myself

Every time I try to post on here, someone or something keeps me from finishing and then I don't get to tell you guys that I did find Scott and everything is cool. I forget to save. GRRR!! So, for the fourth time, I am trying to get a post on here.

School is crazy. That's really what it is. When I think about what goes in to running a school and it's facilities, it makes me cringe. I am tired of the "zombies". Yeah, those people that walk around and ask stupid questions because they aren't using the brain that is in their head, I am tired of them. They get on my nerves!! But you know what??? They are the ones that keep a school going. If you don't have enough of the zombies and a few intellects, you don't have a student body. Then you don't have people to teach or money coming in....it's just bad mojo.

Oh, Oh!!! What's up with these people that think they have all the money in the world. I worked my tooshie off trying to get through college. I worked two jobs and never saw a dime from one of the jobs I worked. I did jobs on the side. I was a full-time student all the years I was enrolled and I begged for every tiny bit of money I could get. These people walk in, thinking they are made of gold or whatever, and act like money they are eligible to receive isn't worth their time. They act like it's soooo hard to take a freakin little piece of paper to their pastor and have him fill it out so they can get $300! Three hundred dollars!!! Just for a piece of paper with a signature!! Craziness.

Anyway, what was I talking about?? The phone just rang and I get so distracted. I guess that's what I get for doing this while I'm at work. Today has been a lazy day for the employees here at W.C.C. Actually, I've been fairly busy compared to everyone else (minus the business office, she's always busy). I'm looking forward to this weekend.

I've gotten to where I don't like to plan anything on the weekend unless I have to in hopes that I will have some down time. I'll have time to enjoy whatever I want to. I don't have to worry about being somewhere at a certain time and carrying people everywhere. The only plans I have made this weekend are to pick up Mokie (my friends' dog) from the salon and maybe to attend the Pentecostal church in Gautier. I've been meaning to check out that church for a while and I just haven't. I'm chicken. I hate meeting new people at a church. I always feel soo awkward.

This thing is getting long. I think I'll cut it here. Later!


Missing........One Boyfriend

Ok, so I haven't heard from Scott all day. Yeah, I got an e-mail from him this morning, well two e-mails, but then I told him I was going to call him and that started it all. No Scott. Couldn't get him on his work phone. I knew he left his cell phone at home accidentally, so I didn't call it. I waited and called work again......nothing. I e-mailed.......nothing. Now it is 10:00 and I still haven't heard from him. Yeah, I'm freaking out a little. It could be nothing, or it could be something. Who knows!! On top of this, his mom calls me because she's worried. That was the first time I've ever talked to his mom. She seems like a really nice lady. I'm just freaking now though, because I thought it was just me that couldn't find him. Now I know that it is me and his mommy. Not a good thing. Not happy.

I've lost my boyfriend....can someone help me find him please!!


Back in Gulfport and Looking for a Way Out

Well, I'm home. I got back Monday. It was an awesome time there with Scott. I spoke with him earlier this morning. He has his interview today for the position he is putting in for here in Gulfport. I'm crossing my fingers, toes and eyes that everything will go well and he will be superb. I know he will. He rocks!!

Today has been hectic and slow all at the same time. I've had enough time to do some things I needed to get done, but I haven't caught up on my paperwork. Craziness. I'm ready to go home. I'm tired of this office. I'm sweating!! Hot in here.

My dog has been acting funny. I think he has gas. He may have a complex. Who knows!? Anyway, more later.


Coffee Colorado

Is it just me or does the air in Colorado have a tinge of a coffee smell to it??

I'm in Colorado Springs!!! Things have been great! My flight here was fun and the people were cool. All the sights that I have seen so far have been amazing and there is still more to come. I wish I had taken one more day than I did though. That would have been awesome. But there is always another weekend.

I didn't go to the top, but I did venture up Pike's Peak. It was amazing to say the least. I'll post some pictures here as soon as I get them from Scott off of his camera and I get mine developed.

I leave tomorrow. Sadness. Can't wait to do this again!!


I'm a Checker Champion!!

Ok, honestly, I'm only a checker champion when I'm playing Scott. I used to kick butt when I challenged people, but I don't know if I still have that "special touch" anymore or not. We played chess and checkers last night. He stomped me twice at chess. I just can't pay attention when I'm sitting in front of a computer screen. If it's for real though, and I can feel the chess pieces and look at them, I'm better at paying attention and thinking about my moves. So, yeah, I lost twice. I'm ok with that. I've come to grips with reality.

Tomorrow I'm heading out! I'm so excited. I'm sure I have mentioned that before. I have to work all day tomorrow. I may take off an hour early just to be sure I have everything in order. Then I think Jessica is going to take me to the airport.

I found my duffle bag last night and I'm trying to figure out what kind of clothes to take with me. Everytime I talk to Scott the weather is different there. I'll figure it out though. I figure as long as I take a coat and pack some real shoes (not flip flops) I should be ok.

Today is one of those days where I get to sit back and do whatever. I'm all caught up as far as work goes, which feels great, and I'm trying to figure out what to do next. I could either read on the book I've been reading, write in my journal, practice my chess, or play on the internet. I'll decide soon enough.

Well, I hope you guys are having a great day and I look forward to hearing how your days went. Later gaters!!


3 Days and Counting!!

Eventually I'll have something more to write about than my boyfriend. It's just he's my favorite topic right now. hehe, sorry. I'm leaving for Denver in 3 days!! I'm so excited. I can't wait to touch down in Denver and tackle my boy. He has all these things planned for us to do. I can't wait to see the sights and just hang out with him. It's getting harder and harder each time I talk to him to say bye and not get upset. I know it won't be long before he's here, but it sucks big time to have to say bye and know that he's 24 hours away. Oh well.

I'm caught up at work. I've been working hard to try and stay ahead right now. This is my busy time. I have to stay with it or I'll get myself in trouble. Well, anyway, I'd better get back to work.