
First Day of Classes.....ACK!!

People go nutso when no one answers the phone. Isn't it a great thing that our receptionist is out sick today!! Yes folks, again, I am officially gifted with answering the lines. I think a Hallelujah praise chorus should start right.....NOW!

I had an eventful weekend, if you consider the fact that I was completely bummed out by not having my boyfriend here. Not to worry Scott, we will have our day. I cleaned house. Really, I did. I loaded up about four boxes/bags of stuff and took it to the Thrift Store. It felt good to get rid of some of that stuff. I also went through my pictures and tried to sort them out. That was a task. I read a little, washed dishes, swept and mopped, did laundry, painted.....oh the life I lead. It was thrilling to say the least (note the sarcasm I can only type).

I did manage to see the symphony outside in Long Beach at the USM campus. They had a free concert. It was a gorgeous night. I thoroughly enjoyed that part of my weekend.

Today looks like it is going to be hectic. I have a lot of work to do this week in order to get ready for next week. I will be OFF!! Yes, I will be in Colorado. All William Carey will see in the dust from my feet as I run for the hills. I can't wait! Let the countdown begin!

1 comment:

dangermama said...

hope you have a really good time... dont get into any trouble... :)