
Found My Boyfriend, Wish I Could Lose Myself

Every time I try to post on here, someone or something keeps me from finishing and then I don't get to tell you guys that I did find Scott and everything is cool. I forget to save. GRRR!! So, for the fourth time, I am trying to get a post on here.

School is crazy. That's really what it is. When I think about what goes in to running a school and it's facilities, it makes me cringe. I am tired of the "zombies". Yeah, those people that walk around and ask stupid questions because they aren't using the brain that is in their head, I am tired of them. They get on my nerves!! But you know what??? They are the ones that keep a school going. If you don't have enough of the zombies and a few intellects, you don't have a student body. Then you don't have people to teach or money coming in....it's just bad mojo.

Oh, Oh!!! What's up with these people that think they have all the money in the world. I worked my tooshie off trying to get through college. I worked two jobs and never saw a dime from one of the jobs I worked. I did jobs on the side. I was a full-time student all the years I was enrolled and I begged for every tiny bit of money I could get. These people walk in, thinking they are made of gold or whatever, and act like money they are eligible to receive isn't worth their time. They act like it's soooo hard to take a freakin little piece of paper to their pastor and have him fill it out so they can get $300! Three hundred dollars!!! Just for a piece of paper with a signature!! Craziness.

Anyway, what was I talking about?? The phone just rang and I get so distracted. I guess that's what I get for doing this while I'm at work. Today has been a lazy day for the employees here at W.C.C. Actually, I've been fairly busy compared to everyone else (minus the business office, she's always busy). I'm looking forward to this weekend.

I've gotten to where I don't like to plan anything on the weekend unless I have to in hopes that I will have some down time. I'll have time to enjoy whatever I want to. I don't have to worry about being somewhere at a certain time and carrying people everywhere. The only plans I have made this weekend are to pick up Mokie (my friends' dog) from the salon and maybe to attend the Pentecostal church in Gautier. I've been meaning to check out that church for a while and I just haven't. I'm chicken. I hate meeting new people at a church. I always feel soo awkward.

This thing is getting long. I think I'll cut it here. Later!

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