
School Days, Drool Days, Dear Old Golden Rule Days

I'm sure that's not how the lyrics go, but it works for me. So, all is ringing off the hook here at William Carey. The phone never stops. Luckily I have little work and no one to ask if they may use my computer. So, as soon as I get my work done, it will be another free day for me!! Yippee!!

I talked to Scott this morning. He made it to New Hampshire with no problem. He'll be there until he gets finished with whatever the Air Force wants him to do and then he'll bolt back to Colorado and try to make his flight to Gulfport. I'm crossing my fingers and toes and saying a prayer. Please, please, please God.......please......let him make it this weekend.

I was going to walk this morning. Instead I made a bowl of cereal, gave my dog scrambled eggs and we sat down for some cartoons. Nice. Then I had to get ready for work. Maybe I'll walk this afternoon with him. I have to wait until it's cooler. It's soooo hot!!!!

Good day to you all!

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