
Better Things

Man.....I woke up this morning with a thousand things running through my mind. Last night it took me forever to get to sleep because my mind kept buzzing. I don't know what the deal is. It's really strange. I ended up staying up late and making a purse out of a placemat. When I finish it, I'll post it so you can see. Gotta get the details taken care of. My fingers are sore too from pushing the needle through. It took me an hour and a half to do. When you think about it, there really are a lot of benefits to owning a sewing machine. Lol! Good experience though. It would have taken me probably ten minutes to make one of those with a machine. I'm such a dork! It was fun.

I have the strangest thoughts in my head lately though. My brain feels like it is going through overload. I've realized how easily I get absorbed in my own life and don't think to see how others are doing.

My heart was blessed this morning by a blog I check ever so often. Man, you never know what other people are going through until you take the time to notice. I'm touched just by the way so many people are willing to open their lives up to everyone. My life seems so fickle a lot of times.

I want to help others. I want to be a blessing. I wish I knew........I just wish I knew where my true place is. Meanwhile, I'll continue to search. There really are better things going on in the world than what I have to add. I'm glad.

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