
Cheeseburger Ravioli

I miss Darby. I went home today for lunch (mainly because my funds are dwindling down to nothing quickly) and searched through my pantry for the perfect lunchtime food. I stumbled across and old friend, Chef Boyardee

uh, that would be him....anyway...it made me think of living on the coast and hanging out with Darby, my seven year old neighbor. She was the coolest! I'm sure she still is. I remember the first time I ever met her she was quoting facts to me like a walking encyclopedia. She was five then, I think. Gosh, I'm not sure now, but she was a friggin genius! We would play outside or inside, either way it was fun. Her mom was in class with me half of the time. Somewhere I have a picture of her. I'll find it and post it. Oh, it was the cheeseburger ravioli that reminded me of her because she was the first person I ate it with. I think the first couple of years hanging out with Darby consisted of frozen chicken nuggets, chef boyardee of all types (meatballs, ravioli, spagetti), peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chocolate milk and grape drinks. Man I miss her.

I'm kinda blank today. I've been looking at a lot of other people's illustrations and such. I'm so overwhelmed with things lately, I haven't gotten to enjoy myself with creating anything. I've been working and sleeping and filling time, but I haven't been doing anything creative. Draining really. I've got to do something! I've been wanting to paint lately, but I just don't have the gusto. I think it's just laziness taking over. I really need to play outside a bunch. I think the sunshine would do me good.

Enough for today.

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