
Finally A Slow Day

I hope I don't speak too soon. I'm all caught up in my office, which allows me to do things I like to do. I get to post. I get to write. I get to read. I get to play. Nothing better than that. I talked to my dear boyfriend Scott last night. He flys out today to New Hampshire. I don't know if I'll get to see him this weekend or not. I really am praying that everything gets taken care of in time and he can make his flight here. That would be superb. Who knows if it will really happen?

Long distance relationships. You never really know what you are getting into until you've gone and done it. Here I am in love with a man that is thousands miles away from me. I figured I could handle it, but here lately I've been getting very frustrated. I'm not frustrated with him, just the situation. I get soooooo sick of the telephone. I hate phones. I'll never use one again!!! Ok, maybe I won't be that out there, but I'm really just tired of talking to Scott over the phone. We do the internet too, but nothing is better than talking to him face to face. I miss his face. I really really miss his face. OH WELL!

So I've noticed that I haven't had really much of anything to post lately. I used to be more creative with these things. All of my creativity has been flushed. I feel so drained (creatively speaking). I haven't felt like doing anything. I haven't painted in forever. I haven't written anything worth reading, sorry for that guys. God bless you for making it this far. I just feel blank. Dunno why. Guess I'll figure it out soon enough.


dangermama said...

long distance relationships are hard, but worth it if you can make it work... you will be ok...

start painting again, so we can see some of your work, thats bound to get those creative juices flowing again

Jodie said...

Long distance relationships are great for the communication! If you ever marry him you will not ever want him to leave because of all the phone time you have already put in!

D. Wallace said...

Yeah I know about the whole communication bit. Sometimes I feel like we are both wanting to talk, but we've been on the phone so much lately that we can't think of anything to talk about so we both kinda just sit there for a bit. It's goofy. But I should take in the factor that we are both goofy, so it works.

I've actually started working on a painting as of the night before last. I did my first entry in my new journal today. We'll see how everything goes. I'm skiddish. I think it'll work out.