
Missing........One Boyfriend

Ok, so I haven't heard from Scott all day. Yeah, I got an e-mail from him this morning, well two e-mails, but then I told him I was going to call him and that started it all. No Scott. Couldn't get him on his work phone. I knew he left his cell phone at home accidentally, so I didn't call it. I waited and called work again......nothing. I e-mailed.......nothing. Now it is 10:00 and I still haven't heard from him. Yeah, I'm freaking out a little. It could be nothing, or it could be something. Who knows!! On top of this, his mom calls me because she's worried. That was the first time I've ever talked to his mom. She seems like a really nice lady. I'm just freaking now though, because I thought it was just me that couldn't find him. Now I know that it is me and his mommy. Not a good thing. Not happy.

I've lost my boyfriend....can someone help me find him please!!

1 comment:

dangermama said...

did you ever find him?