
Florist Scare

yeah.....I'm a little worried about the florist that I talked to recently about doing the flowers for my wedding. Only by coincidense, I happened to see an arrangement that she did for the church that I go to. I didn't know that she had done it. Now, it wasn't bad, but after I learned that she didn't follow the instructions that was given to her for the arrangement, it scared me.

What if I give her instructions on how I want my flowers to look and she takes it upon herself to change what I want. Not cool. I'm wondering what I should do. I dunno. I've never done this before.

So, I've got a picture of my wedding band now. I like it. That's my sweet baby's little chubby fingers modeling it for you. Yeah ok, I know, sorry.....not trying to be gross, just can't help it.

I love it. I can't wait to get his ring taken care of so that we'll have all of that finished and not have to think about it. One less thing on the wedding "to do" list. Blah.

You know, I've been thinking that this sure is a lot of hub-bub just for one crazy day! If I had been married before, I would so elope. I guess that's why I'm doing all this mess. I've never been married before. I want to do this thing right. It should be fun. We'll see what happens.

Speaking of things to do....We've just about gotten the honeymoon finished!! I'm sooooo excited!!! I have my passport and we're waiting on our confirmation. I can't believe we are going to Italy! I'm so stoked. I can't even imagine what it is going to be like. Scott doesn't realize what all he has already given me and what he is doing for me now! He is so amazing (even without all this stuff he's done). I'm really excited about living life with him.

How do you feel about these flowers?

Oh! Here is the church where we are getting married. Classic.


Anonymous said...

Have I told you lately how happy I am for you...?


D. Wallace said...

I think you just did. Thanks. I miss seeing your face.

Dad said...

Well, I was just going to say that it is crazy. If that woman messes up your flowers then the day is ruined. Your love for each other and the union you are beginning are meaningless if something as important as babies breath or day lilies is out of wack.

Just kidding. Try not to lose focus on the real significance of the day. Let me be more emphatic. BY NO MEANS SHOULD YOU LET THIS DAY BE ABOUT ANYTHING BUT GOD BEING GLORIFIED IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH EACH OTHER. Will you be happy? Yes, glory to God. Are you in love? Yes, glory to God. Will you be beautiful and him handsome? Yes, glory to God.

Really, our marriage was fun and we hardly worried about flowers or any other of the details.

D. Wallace said...

I'm good at losing focus. That's where Scott is stronger. He's good at keeping me pointed in the right direction. Without him being here, it's hard to remember that flowers and food and all that other stuff that comes with a wedding isn't as important. It's all I have to focus on right now. (Partly because if I focus on him, I'll get bummed out because I can't see him and be around him. I'm trying to stay balanced.)
All in all, I see your point and know it's true.