Here's an older painting that I had done. I love this one. It makes me feel happy. I think its original size is 28x30 or somewhere around there. It's been a while.
"I see the bright light shine. It's just about home time. I can see my Father standing at the door. This world has been a wilderness and I'm ready for deliverance. Lord I've never been this homesick before.".
Last night I stayed up until 1 working on a Congratulations banner for two people I go to church with. It was fun. That's what it looks like. I haven't just sat down and drawn anything in a while. I talked on the phone with Eli while I worked. I caught up on his life. Strange talking to him after everything. I'm afraid I still may have a tinge of bitterness in me. I've really prayed about it. I don't want to be mean to him. It's just hard to be nice to him sometimes when I remember everything that happened between us. I make mean little comments that I could just keep inside and not express. He just leaves the door wide open and I walk through it. It's like the movie You've Got Mail. I zing him and then I feel the overwhelming remorse for what I've done. I'm getting better about it though. Unlike the movie, we won't end up together. Far from what I would want anyway. I just want to learn to be a real friend to him again.
I miss Scott. I try not to think about it. Ever since he changed camps, I never get to hear from him. When I do get to talk to him it seems like such a short conversation. I miss his hugs, smell, touch.....man I miss him. I can't even remember what it feels like to hug him. I can't wait until he comes home. I think we have about a month and half left. It's just not going quickly enough. I don't know if I'm going to be very good at being a military wife. I'm going to try my best. Boy this isn't fun though.
uh, that would be him....anyway...it made me think of living on the coast and hanging out with Darby, my seven year old neighbor. She was the coolest! I'm sure she still is. I remember the first time I ever met her she was quoting facts to me like a walking encyclopedia. She was five then, I think. Gosh, I'm not sure now, but she was a friggin genius! We would play outside or inside, either way it was fun. Her mom was in class with me half of the time. Somewhere I have a picture of her. I'll find it and post it. Oh, it was the cheeseburger ravioli that reminded me of her because she was the first person I ate it with. I think the first couple of years hanging out with Darby consisted of frozen chicken nuggets, chef boyardee of all types (meatballs, ravioli, spagetti), peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chocolate milk and grape drinks. Man I miss her.
I'm kinda blank today. I've been looking at a lot of other people's illustrations and such. I'm so overwhelmed with things lately, I haven't gotten to enjoy myself with creating anything. I've been working and sleeping and filling time, but I haven't been doing anything creative. Draining really. I've got to do something! I've been wanting to paint lately, but I just don't have the gusto. I think it's just laziness taking over. I really need to play outside a bunch. I think the sunshine would do me good.
Enough for today.
Ice Cream Cones, Especially Chocolate!
Sunrise and Sunset
I'm not overenthused about my birthday. I'm glad it is here and all-in-all, it's been nice. Just a little lonesome. So Happy Birthday world!! I hope I can be a servent to someone today.
I love it. I can't wait to get his ring taken care of so that we'll have all of that finished and not have to think about it. One less thing on the wedding "to do" list. Blah.
You know, I've been thinking that this sure is a lot of hub-bub just for one crazy day! If I had been married before, I would so elope. I guess that's why I'm doing all this mess. I've never been married before. I want to do this thing right. It should be fun. We'll see what happens.
Speaking of things to do....We've just about gotten the honeymoon finished!! I'm sooooo excited!!! I have my passport and we're waiting on our confirmation. I can't believe we are going to Italy! I'm so stoked. I can't even imagine what it is going to be like. Scott doesn't realize what all he has already given me and what he is doing for me now! He is so amazing (even without all this stuff he's done). I'm really excited about living life with him.
How do you feel about these flowers?
Oh! Here is the church where we are getting married. Classic.
It made me laugh. I don't know who left it, but it made me feel good and I appreciate their kindness. Just wish I could return it! I also got a nifty little wrist rest. Cool stuff.
So I'm trying to actually work like I'm supposed to. It's so hard to concentrate lately. I'm a mess. I really am. Too much stuff going on in my brain and heart.
I gotta get off the serious notes......I'm planning a trip to Nashville Easter weekend!! My friend Carrie and I may be hitting the highway and getting out of Dodge! I hope so. I need to runaway for a while (again). The last time I took a trip was two weekends ago. I visited my brother for St. Patrick's Day. I always love getting to visit him. And I do mean that! He means a lot to me.
Sorry, not full of inquisitive thoughts or silly things today really, just living.
More Pictures:
It's just one of those days!