
Back on the Coast for the Week

I've returned. I had to make myself drive down to the coast today. I procrastinated as long as I could. I wanted to cry. I DON'T want to be here. Scott came home for the weeked. He had a death in the family. I stayed around him for the time and soaked it all in. I took him back to the airport yesterday. I felt like I was breaking into a thousand pieces. It was overwhelming. We are both miserable as far as the situation goes with us being apart. I miss him tons and it isn't long until he leaves for 6 months.

I have to be here for the week. My mom says, "When you get so fed up with it that you can't take it and you're ready to come home, come home. I'm tired of you being there. I don't like the situation you are in." I love my mom for saying that, and I know she would support me, but if I quit my job... what's next?

I keep asking, "What's God's will for my life?" I'm blown away. I have no clue. I keep praying and asking for guidance. "I need help God!!" Help will come. I know it will.


Check For Me

My update is at http://xanga.com/freepuppy this day. Thank you for your support. Shop with us again soon.


Optimism is Hoping for Unemployment

I know, I really shouldn't be that way. I'm terrible. Actually I'm not as bad as you think. Things in my life have been turned completely upside down.

Currently I am living no where. I've been staying with friends here on the Coast. I'm sad to say, I'm running out of friends! It's not that I'm running out of friends, I'm just running out of places to stay that I haven't already stayed. I don't want to be a burden on anyone. I have a blow-up mattress in my truck and occasionally I bring it out and blow it up so I can sleep on someone's floor. I've been frequenting couches, and if I score a guest bed I'm stoked! My home was covered with mold and mildew and they closed the apartments on campus because of the damage. So I'm homeless but looking for a place to live. The pickings are slim. Everyone has rented the apartments that were available. People are renting out rooms or guesthomes, but there are a lot of creepy people down here. I'm running out of options.
I still work for the college. I'm recruiting. Kinda odd. I basically am going to schools and telling people, "Come to * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *! We're still here!" What I don't tell them is that our campus has been destroyed and we are working out of buildings that don't belong to us. It's a sad day. I feel very foolish telling people to come to a school that is in bad shape. I loved our campus I wish terribly they would decide to clean it up and rebuild. It doesn't look good for that campus. There are promises that we will rebuild, but not there. Sad.
What I'm hoping for is an opportunity to move back home. I want to find a job closer to home and start living up there. The problem is that I have to find a place to work and live. It's the latter that doesn't worry me. I just can't find another job.
Please pray for me. Love ya's!


I'm in Colorado Springs, Colorado!!

If you'd like to catch up with me, check out http://xanga.com/freepuppy. That's where you'll find my update. Thank you and goodnight.


Here It Is

Well, I'm in Brandon, MS still. I just checked out footage of the storm. Not good. I don't know what lies in store for me now. I don't know when I can go home, I don't know if I will still have a job, I don't know what is left of everything. It's depressing.

It will be ok. Right? Check out http://www.wlbt.com for footage. That's my home, or at least what is left of it. I'm a little scared.


Running from the Storm

Well, I'm here in Brandon, MS hiding from the hurricane. I fear I didn't run far enough. We'll find out tomorrow I guess. I didn't realize that it was going to be as bad as they are predicting. I wish I had packed more things that were close to me. I forgot my journals, pictures, artwork. Oh well. Hope everything is ok and makes it through the storm. I'm really worried about all those people who decided to stick it out. I pray they will be safe. Craziness!

Me, JoJo and Joe (my brother) are going to stick it out here and see how it goes.

I'm not moving to Colorado. Scott is going overseas to the Middle East sometime in December. It has changed everything for us. We are going to see this through and pray for the best. I know that it will be very hard for me to take advantage of seeing him. I will treasure every moment I get to be around him and see him. I miss him bunches. I can't imagine how it is going to be in a few months. I'm scared. It'll be ok though. God will give us strength.


Wow, Stress...Relief....Stress Again

I fear that I will be a psychotic weirdo before the end comes. All of this "trying to decide whether or not to go" stuff is really doing a job on me. I don't know where I'll be headed in two weeks, but God willing, I'll be going where I'm supposed to be going. Geezum, this stuff is crazy.


I miss this face soooo much. Yeah, I'm feeling boyfriend sick. I miss him tons. I wish there was a miracle in the making. We did find out that Scott did not get the position at Keesler. We are back at square one. What's next?

Decisions to be made. I really wanna just pack my bags and head to Colorado, but after much prayer and deliberation, it looks like that won't be what I will be doing. We are still discussing options. I know we do have to keep our heads on straight about everything. I've just found a great church to get involved with and work isn't too horrendous. Things could be worse for me. I really need to finish my Master's degree. I want to save money. It would be easier for me to stay here.

Scott is looking into other positions on the Coast (there aren't really that many near here) and trying to figure out his next move. I want him to be happy. If that means that he doesn't re-enlist and that he moves here, so be it. I just want him to be smart about everything. I guess part of me has selfish reasons for wanting him to stay in. I know that he gets great benefits with the military. Retirement, I've heard, is not bad at all. I like the idea of that. Of course, there's always the opportunity to travel with the military. There are the downsides too, and for those reasons I know it is more important for him to do what will make him happy. I don't want him to worry about deployment. That's a big deal. I don't want him to hate his job. I try not to tell him my opinion too much about what he should do because I don't want to be an influence. I know I already am somewhat of an influence, otherwise he wouldn't want to be moving here to be closer. I mean, come on. I feel bad enough about that. I dunno. It's all confusing.

What I do know: I love and appreciate Scott very much. Whatever happens, we'll make it through it and we'll still be the couple we are. No matter what kind of job he has, he's my man. Money isn't everything. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend.

So there, we'll get through this, right?

Aside from that, work is crazy. No one is here today. It's me and about three other people. I hate phones. They ring. GRRRRRRRRR! It doesn't help that people on the other end of the phone pause every two seconds to say, "Uhm." It tries my patience. I'm so not a desk person.


Yadda Yadda Yadda

I think I can Yadda Yadda Yadda this. It's a typical day at school. Finished a lot of paperwork and now I'm goofing off. I'm planning on working on my portfolio today. I forgot my laptop so I'll have to get that at lunch, if not sooner.

Gotta go, be back.


A Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can You Believe it!!??!!

Finally, for all you post seekers. Here it is....just for you. You know what???? Check out my xanga for this one. I can't type right now. Sorry!! http://xanga.com/freepuppy Laters!


Good Things are Happening in the Hundred Acre Woods

It's good. I just finished a conversation with a student and awesome chick that I helped get admitted into the college. She recently got married and is pregnant. Things are going well for her. She's happy and has just decided to drop out of nursing school. I don't blame her. I've seen the students that are in the program. They are completely stressed out. She's got her head on straight. I'm proud of her.

Scott is coming today!!!!! I'm picking him up in New Orleans. Sooooooo excited!! We'll be heading off for Iuka Friday afternoon. I'm planning on hanging out with Valerie Sat. morning and Carrie Sat. night. Sunday we are going to go to church and then to his family's cookout. Yum. I'm so nervous. I hope that I don't do anything stupid and make everyone hate me. I want them to like me. I'm needy!! hehe Okay maybe not that bad, but I do want to make a good impression.

My dad is thinking about coming down to the coast for the fourth. I won't be here, but more power to him!

So today, I'm caught up on my work. I'm supposed to pick Scott up in New Orleans at 6. Gotta leave work early. I'm going to try to work through lunch so I can leave early. I think I may read a little.

I feel very mundane. Not exciting. Bland. Blah. I want to be brilliant!!! (in every sense of the word).


I'm So Bad

I got a new puppy. Her name is Anastasia. She's part beagle, part something else....not sure what. She's cute! I'll put a picture on here as soon as I can. Joe, my chihuahua, is unsure of the situation. He sniffed her all day yesterday and loved on her. Last night she cuddled up to him while he slept. He growled a little and moved. Then this morning he's marking everything!! I seperated them while I'm at work. I didn't wanna leave them, but I had to. So, we'll see how this goes. I'm excited and scared. I've never trained an inside puppy before.

Eight more days until Scott gets to come visit. I can't wait to see him. I'm looking forward to meeting his family at the cookout. I'm hoping he'll get to meet some of mine and we'll hang out with our friends too. I miss seeing Carrie.

The family reunion was cool. I got to see cousins I haven't seen in a long time. I realized that I don't want to fit in with all of my family. God love them. Some of them are too far gone. I love them all. I hope the best for them all. I wish that some of them could see life from a different perspective.


Back in the Swing of Things

Well, I've made it back to MS without any problems. I've been working, not too hard, this week to get things done. Orientation is aproaching, and I'm getting nervous. I'll deal with it.

Scott and I are counting down the days until he gets to move here. We are both SO excited. I think we both are to the point where we are ready to throw the telephones across the room and never talk on them. The only thing that keeps us from doing this is the fact that we won't be able to speak to each other after the mishap. So, we are being patient and enduring the phone calls.

My family reunion is this weekend. I'm debating about whether or not I'm going to attend. It's a 6 hour drive home and then I only have Fri., Sat., and Sun. for the weekend. I would have to come back Sun. and leave right after work Fri. I dunno what I'll do.

Hope all of you people are well! I know this wasn't a very exciting post. Maybe I'll think of something better soon. Later!


Colorado...I've Made It!

Yep, I'm here and loving it. I got off to a rocky start trying to get here. My flight got delayed, delayed, delayed, until I had to get another flight the very next morning. No worries. It made for a very pleasant trip. Scott picked me up at the airport. He had gotten stuck in traffic, so I was a little afraid he was either still asleep or I missed him. hehe, It got straightened out.

GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scott found out that his package to get moved to Gulfport for the MTL position is on his desk, waiting for him!! In other words.....SCOTT IS GOING TO BE MY NEIGHBOR!! It isn't "official" yet, but he's pretty much guaranteed for the position. I'm sooooo freakin excited! Come Sept. (fingers and toes are crossed) he will be living in Gulfport, MS! How completely awesome is that!! I screamed when he told me. Really, I did.

Well, I'm waiting for him to get back from a meeting so we can hang out and do whatever. Peace out homeys.


June 2nd and What a Glorious Day!

Yesterday my dad turned 53. I called him early that morning and sang "Happy Birthday" to his voice mail. So personal. Later that day he called to let me know he got the message and he was allowed to take off for the day to celebrate his birthday. Wish I could have been there. I miss home. Mainly I miss the feeling of home.

Last night I thought about everything that's going on in my life. I'm happy. I like this. Scott and I aren't sure where we will end up, but we are okay with that.

I leave Monday for Colorado. Just a few more days to go! I've been working extra hard this week to ensure that everything will be taken care of. I don't to give anyone reason to complain about my absence. Yeah.

I've got to get back to work, actually. Maybe more later.


First Day of Classes.....ACK!!

People go nutso when no one answers the phone. Isn't it a great thing that our receptionist is out sick today!! Yes folks, again, I am officially gifted with answering the lines. I think a Hallelujah praise chorus should start right.....NOW!

I had an eventful weekend, if you consider the fact that I was completely bummed out by not having my boyfriend here. Not to worry Scott, we will have our day. I cleaned house. Really, I did. I loaded up about four boxes/bags of stuff and took it to the Thrift Store. It felt good to get rid of some of that stuff. I also went through my pictures and tried to sort them out. That was a task. I read a little, washed dishes, swept and mopped, did laundry, painted.....oh the life I lead. It was thrilling to say the least (note the sarcasm I can only type).

I did manage to see the symphony outside in Long Beach at the USM campus. They had a free concert. It was a gorgeous night. I thoroughly enjoyed that part of my weekend.

Today looks like it is going to be hectic. I have a lot of work to do this week in order to get ready for next week. I will be OFF!! Yes, I will be in Colorado. All William Carey will see in the dust from my feet as I run for the hills. I can't wait! Let the countdown begin!


School Days, Drool Days, Dear Old Golden Rule Days

I'm sure that's not how the lyrics go, but it works for me. So, all is ringing off the hook here at William Carey. The phone never stops. Luckily I have little work and no one to ask if they may use my computer. So, as soon as I get my work done, it will be another free day for me!! Yippee!!

I talked to Scott this morning. He made it to New Hampshire with no problem. He'll be there until he gets finished with whatever the Air Force wants him to do and then he'll bolt back to Colorado and try to make his flight to Gulfport. I'm crossing my fingers and toes and saying a prayer. Please, please, please God.......please......let him make it this weekend.

I was going to walk this morning. Instead I made a bowl of cereal, gave my dog scrambled eggs and we sat down for some cartoons. Nice. Then I had to get ready for work. Maybe I'll walk this afternoon with him. I have to wait until it's cooler. It's soooo hot!!!!

Good day to you all!


Finally A Slow Day

I hope I don't speak too soon. I'm all caught up in my office, which allows me to do things I like to do. I get to post. I get to write. I get to read. I get to play. Nothing better than that. I talked to my dear boyfriend Scott last night. He flys out today to New Hampshire. I don't know if I'll get to see him this weekend or not. I really am praying that everything gets taken care of in time and he can make his flight here. That would be superb. Who knows if it will really happen?

Long distance relationships. You never really know what you are getting into until you've gone and done it. Here I am in love with a man that is thousands miles away from me. I figured I could handle it, but here lately I've been getting very frustrated. I'm not frustrated with him, just the situation. I get soooooo sick of the telephone. I hate phones. I'll never use one again!!! Ok, maybe I won't be that out there, but I'm really just tired of talking to Scott over the phone. We do the internet too, but nothing is better than talking to him face to face. I miss his face. I really really miss his face. OH WELL!

So I've noticed that I haven't had really much of anything to post lately. I used to be more creative with these things. All of my creativity has been flushed. I feel so drained (creatively speaking). I haven't felt like doing anything. I haven't painted in forever. I haven't written anything worth reading, sorry for that guys. God bless you for making it this far. I just feel blank. Dunno why. Guess I'll figure it out soon enough.


The Flame Hawk is my friend. Posted by Hello

Did I ever mention that I was a clam? Posted by Hello

Found My Boyfriend, Wish I Could Lose Myself

Every time I try to post on here, someone or something keeps me from finishing and then I don't get to tell you guys that I did find Scott and everything is cool. I forget to save. GRRR!! So, for the fourth time, I am trying to get a post on here.

School is crazy. That's really what it is. When I think about what goes in to running a school and it's facilities, it makes me cringe. I am tired of the "zombies". Yeah, those people that walk around and ask stupid questions because they aren't using the brain that is in their head, I am tired of them. They get on my nerves!! But you know what??? They are the ones that keep a school going. If you don't have enough of the zombies and a few intellects, you don't have a student body. Then you don't have people to teach or money coming in....it's just bad mojo.

Oh, Oh!!! What's up with these people that think they have all the money in the world. I worked my tooshie off trying to get through college. I worked two jobs and never saw a dime from one of the jobs I worked. I did jobs on the side. I was a full-time student all the years I was enrolled and I begged for every tiny bit of money I could get. These people walk in, thinking they are made of gold or whatever, and act like money they are eligible to receive isn't worth their time. They act like it's soooo hard to take a freakin little piece of paper to their pastor and have him fill it out so they can get $300! Three hundred dollars!!! Just for a piece of paper with a signature!! Craziness.

Anyway, what was I talking about?? The phone just rang and I get so distracted. I guess that's what I get for doing this while I'm at work. Today has been a lazy day for the employees here at W.C.C. Actually, I've been fairly busy compared to everyone else (minus the business office, she's always busy). I'm looking forward to this weekend.

I've gotten to where I don't like to plan anything on the weekend unless I have to in hopes that I will have some down time. I'll have time to enjoy whatever I want to. I don't have to worry about being somewhere at a certain time and carrying people everywhere. The only plans I have made this weekend are to pick up Mokie (my friends' dog) from the salon and maybe to attend the Pentecostal church in Gautier. I've been meaning to check out that church for a while and I just haven't. I'm chicken. I hate meeting new people at a church. I always feel soo awkward.

This thing is getting long. I think I'll cut it here. Later!


Missing........One Boyfriend

Ok, so I haven't heard from Scott all day. Yeah, I got an e-mail from him this morning, well two e-mails, but then I told him I was going to call him and that started it all. No Scott. Couldn't get him on his work phone. I knew he left his cell phone at home accidentally, so I didn't call it. I waited and called work again......nothing. I e-mailed.......nothing. Now it is 10:00 and I still haven't heard from him. Yeah, I'm freaking out a little. It could be nothing, or it could be something. Who knows!! On top of this, his mom calls me because she's worried. That was the first time I've ever talked to his mom. She seems like a really nice lady. I'm just freaking now though, because I thought it was just me that couldn't find him. Now I know that it is me and his mommy. Not a good thing. Not happy.

I've lost my boyfriend....can someone help me find him please!!


Back in Gulfport and Looking for a Way Out

Well, I'm home. I got back Monday. It was an awesome time there with Scott. I spoke with him earlier this morning. He has his interview today for the position he is putting in for here in Gulfport. I'm crossing my fingers, toes and eyes that everything will go well and he will be superb. I know he will. He rocks!!

Today has been hectic and slow all at the same time. I've had enough time to do some things I needed to get done, but I haven't caught up on my paperwork. Craziness. I'm ready to go home. I'm tired of this office. I'm sweating!! Hot in here.

My dog has been acting funny. I think he has gas. He may have a complex. Who knows!? Anyway, more later.


Coffee Colorado

Is it just me or does the air in Colorado have a tinge of a coffee smell to it??

I'm in Colorado Springs!!! Things have been great! My flight here was fun and the people were cool. All the sights that I have seen so far have been amazing and there is still more to come. I wish I had taken one more day than I did though. That would have been awesome. But there is always another weekend.

I didn't go to the top, but I did venture up Pike's Peak. It was amazing to say the least. I'll post some pictures here as soon as I get them from Scott off of his camera and I get mine developed.

I leave tomorrow. Sadness. Can't wait to do this again!!


I'm a Checker Champion!!

Ok, honestly, I'm only a checker champion when I'm playing Scott. I used to kick butt when I challenged people, but I don't know if I still have that "special touch" anymore or not. We played chess and checkers last night. He stomped me twice at chess. I just can't pay attention when I'm sitting in front of a computer screen. If it's for real though, and I can feel the chess pieces and look at them, I'm better at paying attention and thinking about my moves. So, yeah, I lost twice. I'm ok with that. I've come to grips with reality.

Tomorrow I'm heading out! I'm so excited. I'm sure I have mentioned that before. I have to work all day tomorrow. I may take off an hour early just to be sure I have everything in order. Then I think Jessica is going to take me to the airport.

I found my duffle bag last night and I'm trying to figure out what kind of clothes to take with me. Everytime I talk to Scott the weather is different there. I'll figure it out though. I figure as long as I take a coat and pack some real shoes (not flip flops) I should be ok.

Today is one of those days where I get to sit back and do whatever. I'm all caught up as far as work goes, which feels great, and I'm trying to figure out what to do next. I could either read on the book I've been reading, write in my journal, practice my chess, or play on the internet. I'll decide soon enough.

Well, I hope you guys are having a great day and I look forward to hearing how your days went. Later gaters!!


3 Days and Counting!!

Eventually I'll have something more to write about than my boyfriend. It's just he's my favorite topic right now. hehe, sorry. I'm leaving for Denver in 3 days!! I'm so excited. I can't wait to touch down in Denver and tackle my boy. He has all these things planned for us to do. I can't wait to see the sights and just hang out with him. It's getting harder and harder each time I talk to him to say bye and not get upset. I know it won't be long before he's here, but it sucks big time to have to say bye and know that he's 24 hours away. Oh well.

I'm caught up at work. I've been working hard to try and stay ahead right now. This is my busy time. I have to stay with it or I'll get myself in trouble. Well, anyway, I'd better get back to work.


It's Soooo Hard

That Boys 2 Men song keeps playing in my head right now. It's true though. It's sooo hard to say goodbye to yesterday and even today really. Right now, it's so hard to say goodnight to my boy. I miss Scott so much. Saying goodnight to him on the phone is terrible. It makes me sad.

I know that in the long run all of this will be fine. We'll be in the same area and we'll get to hang out all the time. I really do look forward to that part of our lives together.

I want the world for Scott. I want to know that he can and will be happy for the rest of his life. I now that hard times will come, but I can't help but hope that I'll be there for those times to comfort him and tell him it will be alright. I love him so much and I'm so thankful for him. There's nothing like seeing him smile. I love to see his eyes light up and twinkle. His smile is so sweet and caring. He's so adorable.

Work has been hard lately. As soon as I get there I want to leave. I'm not working on my Masters so it is very aggitating working for the school. I don't feel like I'm needed there. I know my job is needed, but I just don't think I am. I would much rather be restoring photographs at my house and taking care of the chores around the house than getting up and going to an office to sit and look at paperwork all day. It's just not my cup of tea.

Anyway, gotta go, Scott is waiting to talk to me on the phone before the night is over. I've got things to listen to. Until later.


Of course, the big grin on my face isn't just because I work at a wonderful facility on the Gulf Coast. Trust me. There's more to that smile. You can guess what it is. Posted by Hello

Here they are!! These are the flowers I got today at work. Cool stuff. I like it. Posted by Hello

Maybe you can see all of them this way! Posted by Hello

Yet another close up. Posted by Hello

Here's a close up of them! Posted by Hello

One Day Closer to Tomorrow!!

Hey, sorry it's taken me this long to post. I've been occupied, I guess you could say, with all of the work here at work. I've been playing catch up. Not to mention, I've a new addiciton. It's called Gold Miner. Yep, don't play it, you'll get hooked.

I've been recruiting for the past two weeks, and I feel like I'm so behind on all of my work. I'm not really that far behind, but I keep thinking toward the future. That is what keeps messing me up. I feel overwhelmed by things that haven't even gotten here yet!!!

You don't know how excited I am to be taking off and going somewhere for my birthday. It's going to be a breath of fresh air. I've been craving a rollercoaster!! I'm so excited. Sooooooooooo excited.

Scott gets here tomorrow at 8 in the morning. I'm picking him up from the airport in Gulfport. I can't even begin to express how much I care about this guy and how he makes me feel. It's amazing. I wanna tell the world, but then I do pretty much tell everyone I come in contact with. That's my little world I guess. This relationship has brought about many changes in my life. Some of these changes I wish would not be so evident. It's nothing like wishing that he had never happened or anything like that. It's more along the lines of missing how I used to get to talk to some people and share how I felt with them. I dunno.

I remember when Valerie and Shaun first met each other. I had no clue what was about to happen. I didn't know that my best friend was about to get her bestest friend for life. It was cool though. I just knew that everything was going to change for the worse, because I wouldn't get to talk to her like I used to. I would not get to spend every waking hour with her like before. She had a husband. For a while there I was the only one of the group I grew up with that didn't have a husband. It sucked, big time. I got around it though. Eventually I figured out that life doesn't change that much. I realized that my friendship with Valerie might be altered slightly, but would never change completely. We still talk, share and cut up with each other like always. There are some things that we don't talk about, and I understand why. I realize that we can't hang out together all the time either. We miss each other all the time though. It's great to talk to one of your best friends and know that they truly are your friend no matter what. It warms your heart.

One promise I made to myself a long time ago was that no matter what happened I would stay dedicated to the people I cherish. I've had too many life experiences to know that you can't just run away and hide from the people you love. You've got to open yourself up to them and encourage them to keep up with you. I was lost in the chaos for a little while there. It was a strange place to be.

Ok, I'm just blabbing now.....I'm sure there are other things to write about.

I did get flowers today!! They are gorgeous! According to sources, I was supposed to receive them yesterday, but someone flubbed up. It's still awesome. Nice blend of flowers and no roses!! Woohoo!! I commend you, boyfriend, you rock!!

Ok, people, I pray that life keeps you active and healthy, happy and fun. I love you all!


Can You Fax Me a Schedule???

I tell you what I can fax.....I can fax a transcript, I can fax an application, I can fax proof of payment, I can fax an immunization form....that's what I can fax. Can I fax a schedule? Nope, my fingers are broken. The fax machine doesn't work. I forgot my code. I just remembered that the cover sheet is typed wrong and I can't send any faxes. Would any of those excuses really work? If I had the guts, I would try at least one. I didn't though. Instead I just said, "What's your name? What's the fax number? I'll try to get it to you in a few minutes."

Laziness is not an excuse. Remember that. Venting finished (maybe). So today wasn't the most pleasurable day at work. The phone rang non-stop. Stupid questions, one right after the other. Grrrrrr. The first two hours of my morning were spend sorting registration forms for each department (not part of my job description). Needless to say I was not thrilled to the bone about it. Oh well.

I'm looking forward to this weekend and the next. I could care less that it's my birthday in two weeks. I'm more excited about the fact that Scott will be flying in next Thursday night. I'm sooooo excited. It feels like we've been away from each other for months!! I think it's only really been about two weeks now. We really stink at this being away from each other thing. Not exciting.

We're going to Six Flags for my birthday!! Roller Coasters!!! Woohoo!! I can't wait to scream my head off. Oh my gosh, it's going to be awesome. Then we are going to either the Botanical Gardens or the Zoo or both. I'm not sure what we decided yet. I think I would be more thrilled about the gardens. I've been to the Zoo a lot lately. We'll see.

I'm really crazy about this guy. It's so scarey. I've never felt like I would spend my entire life with someone before, but I don't doubt for a moment that I could spend the rest of my life with this man. Really scarey. We'll take it one day at a time. That's the best way. Anyhow, I dunno. I could probably talk about more, but I really just don't want to right now. Maybe tomorrow. Later.


Nothing New

Nothing new to report. I figured I would wait until this afternoon to really try and post anything. I've got a few to talk about, but would rather form it in my brain first.


Odd Day and Still Nothing New

Today was pretty much just like every other day. The wind and rain was a little rough and there were tornados (tornadoes?), but there were no accidents where I was. I had to recruit at Jackson County Campus of MGCCC in Gautier. Normally I would dread this task because it is a tad bit on the boring side. Today, I decided to write in my journal while I was there. It made the time go by extremely fast. I ended up fixing up my journal page and writing in it and then it was time to leave. Good stuff.

It was raining so hard that I suckered myself into buying an umbrella from the bookstore at the school. Stupid stupid!! It was 17 dollars and it was crappy!! Not happy about that one. I may see if I can get the school to pay for it. I still have the receipt. hehe, would be nice if it worked.

My boss sent me home from work an hour early today. I dunno what was up with that. He always teases me and says, "How's my favorite Admissions Lady today?" I always reply, "I'm your only Admissions Lady, and I'm fine thanks." Today he was in a good mood, but he kept checking on me. Strange stuff. He asked me if I had lunch, if I was feeling well, if I was tired. He made me feel like I was pregnant or something the way he was acting. I just didn't understand it. I kept telling him I was fine and everything was great. Odd. He ended up sticking his head in my office at about 5 and told me to go home and get some rest. Wierd! So I did. I left work at 5 instead of 6 and went home to rest. I ended up going over to my friend's house to have a Bible study. It was good. I learned a lot.

16 more days and my boy will return to me. Not that I'm counting or anything. Later taters!


This is My Boy

Well, the long awaited pictures have arrived. Ok, maybe they weren't long awaited, but I wanted to put them on here anyway so you guys could catch a glimpse of him. I had a great weekend with him. We went to the aquarium Saturday and to Art openings in New Orleans. So much fun.

Last night around 1 o'clock Scott decided he couldn't procrastinate any longer and left for Colorado Springs, Colorado. It was so hard to tell him bye. I knew that it would only be 20 days and he would be back, but still, it was hard. He's driving as I type this. I hope he makes it there safely.

I don't know....I can't think of much to say today. Still full of thoughts but can't pinpoint one to type about. Maybe later.

Sweet smile. Goofy too. Posted by Hello

This is my boy! Posted by Hello


Your Lifetime Has Come

Ok, so about the new fella (Bennett, this one's for you). His name is Scott Wallace. He and I grew up together. He is about 4 years older than me and was in the same grade as my brother in school. We went to church together. I had a huge crush on him when I was little, but I never said anything to him because my friend was dating him. I'm not one to butt into relationships like that (or at least I've tried not to be). He liked me but since I was 12 and he was 16, thought it best that he didn't act on his feelings. I mean come on, I was a little twerp and he was in high school. So anyway, we grew up. He joined the Air Force and I went to college. Seven years later, after many changes in both of our lives, we met up again. We started talking a little but lost contact. Fast forward to about three weeks ago. He came down to Keesler to take classes for his E7 badge or whatever the heck all that stuff is (yeah, I'm not up on the lingo for military). He gave me a call and we started hanging out.

It's been great. He has such a huge heart. He is one of maybe two guys that I have dated that actually completely cared about God's will for his life. It makes my heart glad to know that all those things I put in for when I was asking God for a relationship are filled by each and every one of Scott's characteristics. It's amazing.

So there's your cheese. I don't mind cheezin it up for a little bit. I've got to some time.


Something New is in the Air

You're green, Patrick.....green.

Something new, something cool, something quite wonderful is happening. I guess I should say now that I am no longer a member of the "single's club". I am now an official member of the "couples". Yes folks, my time has arrived. (May I add, it's about dang time!!!)

No, I'm not going to get big headed about this. Can't you tell? Actually, to be completely honest, I'm so excited. A wonderful guy, who I've known for a very long time has popped into my life, and I'm so thankful. He's a great man. I adore him. God has something working here that makes my heart very full, even cheesey.

Aside from the whole relationship, things with the Blazer are good. I'm working on getting the kinks worked out of it. I have to get my tag still. I need to get the brake lights fixed. They were messed up before I bought the thing. Joe agreed to pay for the repairs if I would just take it to get it fixed. I'm down with that.

I've decided that classes are a definite. I'll be starting this summer. I've just got to make sure the funds are there. I'm looking at about $120 dollars if I do decide to take them. That's not bad at all.

Little did you guys know that I had a crazy spring break week a couple of weeks ago. I chose to leave my doggy at home while I traveled to Iuka to do business. Keep in mind that this was the first time I had ever left my dog at home with someone. Usually I just load him up and take him with me. This time I decided to give someone a chance to prove they were responsible. Little did I know that they would prove me wrong. On my way home that Tuesday night I got a phone call. My friend told me that my doggy ran away. I cried like a big baby. I was soooo sad. I was only gone three days and he left on the second day!! Broke my heart.

One week and a day later, I got a call from the Humane Society. They thought they had my doggy. I had put out flyers everywhere. I had given one to the Humane Society just in case someone brought him in because he didn't have tags on. Sure enough a lady brought him in and there he was. It was a miracle!! I was sooo excited. I left work early and picked him up. It cost me forty two dollars, but he was worth it. Every bit of it.

So now I have a dog, a boyfriend and a job. Things are good for now. We'll see how this goes.


Pimp my Ride

Well, I sold my car today. It felt strange handing my car keys over to someone I hardly knew and feeling the crispness of 100 dollar bills being placed in my hand. I almost felt dirty. I got $3000 for it (which is good) and put it in the bank for my down payment on Joe's Blazer. I picked up the Blazer tonight. Nice.

I'm contemplating my next step. This is huge for me. I've never decided to take on a responcibility such as this one. It's exciting and scarey all at once. I know I can handle it though. I have decided to take more classes. I'm going to start back on my MBA in the summer. I might as well finish this if I'm going to start it, right? I guess it will be worth it. Not to mention, it'll help the cost of my insurance. We'll see how this goes.

Haven't walked in a week. Not a good thing. I know I'm going to feel it when I start back this week. EEK! Oh well, that's what I get for being a bum. It made me feel good when I came home though. Mom and dad both thought I looked nice and could tell a difference. Bought time!!! I was beginning to wonder if it was worth all the work. It made me feel even better when they encouraged me to keep up the good work. Good mommy and daddy. I've got to start doing morning and night now though. April is approaching and I'm running out of time! Gotta get the move on.

Well, I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. I'd better get some rest. Until again. I'm watching you.


Tid-Bit of Info.

Well, I thought this would interesting to share. I talked to Joe, my brother, and found out that he got promoted at work. He is now the Regional Loss Prevention Man for Hibbett's Sports in the state of Mississippi. I am very proud of him. Also, he is moving to Jackson, MS!! Realizing that he will only be three hours away, I am very exciting about this fact! I'll be able to visit him and hang out. Good stuff.

Anyway, he has to get rid of his Blazer in order to make room for other things he would like. I told him that I wanted it. I do I do!! I want his blazer. So, I'm trying to sell my Lumina. I'm asking 3750.00 or best offer. So if you know anyone that wants a good car that is in good shape (has a lot of miles but mainly those are interstate miles) and needs a home, let me know. I've got to get rid of it before this month is over.

That's the 411 right now. Nothing much else is happening. I do think that I have a crush on someone though. Even if I am a little bit older to have a crush, I still do. More on that at a later date.


Back from the Dead

You know I really shouldn't be up this late, but I wanted to give you people hope. I was sitting here trying to figure out how to conquer a game of Spider solitaire, when I realized that it's been ages since I've posted and I'm terrible for taking so long. Things have been really hectic lately. I'm glad for that, but I wish I had a break. I hate working. If I could be a stay at home whatever every day, I would. I hate working. Did I say that already?

Anyway, things have been good. I guess that's the best way to put it. Work has kept me busy with new students coming in and getting ready for the fall. Already. I'm setting up appointments with high schools and community colleges alike to stop by and drop off some things. I have to visit MGCCC campuses for the next two months. I've got to get the summer schedules out to the high school teachers so they'll hit us up for the summer term. I'm sure you guys want to know all of this. Sorry. Basically, I've got a lot of busy work to take care of.

I've definitely been able to identify the two things I hate the most about my job.

Item #1: I hate telling someone who definitely deserves to come to school that they cannot attend our school because of stupid reasons defined by people that are higher up than me. (I'm the one who sees these people get angry, upset, confused, sad, disappointed, etc.)

Item #2: I hate the fact that there are some people who hate doing their job more than I do and refuse to either wait on the students who come in or ANSWER THEIR FREAKIN PHONES!!! How hard is it to pick up a phone and say, "May I help you?" GRRRRRRR!!! That gets on my nerves!

So anyway, enough about that. I've been working out. Now this is the part I don't understand. You would think that after working out every day for a month that I would at least have lost some weight or something. I can't even tell a difference. I've been watching what I eat too. I dunno. Kinda makes me a little perturbed though. I can tell I have more leg muscles poppin out and I've lost some inches there. I can tell my (pardon) butt is perkier. Aside from that, I really can't tell much more of a difference. Hopefully that will change soon. I'm cutting back more on my food and eating more rabbit food.

I've also put myself on a budget. I'm really am trying to get it into gear. I got tired of feeling like a slug and knocked myself around a bit and things are happening. We'll see how this budget thing goes. I've never really been that great at keeping up with my money. I mean, I've never been in debt, but I haven't tried not to be. Make sense?

My dog was barking in his sleep a minute ago. It's the cutest thing. I always wonder what he's dreaming about or if he is dreaming. He's so little, he may be dreaming about chasing a great big dog and actually catching him (because he stopped barking). Speaking of my dog, I think he's gay. I don't want to think he is, but there have been too many instances that has proven my theory. He just doesn't give the women the attention. He likes to do things that are embarrassing to see over and over again when he meets boy doggies. I mean, I know he's a dog, and they do gross things like sniff each other's butts and lick certain areas. I just don't think there is an excuse for him to continue after a hour!! I can't take him anywhere. He just chases the boy dogs and licks them. People are weirded out by that. I dunno. I still love him. I need to get him a girlfriend or a nice fluffy toy to take his aggression out on. Craziness.

Bedtime. I've got to get some sleep or I won't be able to convince myself to get up and walk today. Laters peeps.


I'm a SLUG

Every been in the situation where you want to write something but nothing comes to you? That's where I've been the last couple of weeks. I've had plenty to write about, but I've been a slug and pretty much just slacked off. I do this periodically. You'll get used to it.

Anyhow, back at work again. Nothing much happening here. I've been recruiting for the college lately. I'm not that good at it. I have a problem begging people to attend a college that is the most untraditional college there is. Basically, I love the school, but it's got nothing to offer on the Coast campus except school. People coming out of high school do not want to hear that the college they are going to attend does not have sports, theatre, music, clubs or anything. It's pitiful. Hattiesburg campus has everything. I get so disappointed sometimes when I think about how active I was at Northeast and how completely unactive I've become. BLAH! Gross!

Gotta jet. I've got to get an Airborne over to Courthouse road before I miss the run.

Keep it up fellas!


It Takes My Pain Away

I guess today I'm reflecting more on things that are happening. January 8 one of my fellow classmates and friends passed away. He committed suicide. I don't understand how people come to that decision. It's crazy. What really gets to me is that I had spoken with him just a day or two before. He didn't say anything that would even lead me to believe that he was trying to reach out to anyone. He was just normal, laughing and goofing off like usual. I knew he had some hard times that he was still trying to get over, and he was very honest about them. He wasn't honest about the fact that he was contemplating suicide.

The sun is shining brightly today. It always warms me on the inside when it's warm on the outside. Yet another thing that take away the pain of other things. I was hoping for fair weather this weekend. I know the NE BSUers are headed this way today and I want them to have safe travel. Go get 'em Northeast!! Plus, my best friend Carrie is coming to see me. I'm really excited. It'll be the first time since graduation that any of my friends have come to see me. That was last May. It's definitely time for company.

Eli and I sent off his Graduate Application to California College of the Arts. What a load off my back!! That was stressing me out soooo much. Now we have to focus on the University of Georgia. I'll be glad when all of that is over!

K, gotta get back to work. Lots of love!


A Log of Life

Ok, to let you know what these pictures are all about....I decided I would try to take some snaps of what's around me so you guys to get to know where I am today. Since I don't get to talk to you all very often (minus the exchanges we have here) I figured it would be easier to bring my world to you this way. Basically it's a run down of what I see from my house to work and back to my house again. Not a whole lot of anything. I meant to do it in the order I said, but I forgot that when you post pictures, they post backwards or whatever. It makes sense in my head. Needless to say, the first one after my Nothing to See post is where the beginning is. This car marks the end. Enjoy!!

I like this car. It belongs to a Prof. of mine. Posted by Hello

My favorite view. I love it when you can't see where the sky and the water meet. Posted by Hello

Where I sit every day. It's called a job, I think. Posted by Hello

The drive to get to my house and to the beach. Posted by Hello

Random Findings on Campus Posted by Hello

Okay, I don't know if you can tell or not, but this is a plaster face that is stuck inside a big oak tree located in front of the Art Complex. It's kinda creepy at night because when you drive by you catch it out of the corner or your eye. Sometimes I forget it's there. I like it though. My friend made the face and a few people have added to it over time.

My dog's favorite place to visit. Posted by Hello

I have an art complex....hehehe....ok it's funny to me. Posted by Hello

Our BSU House (Literally) Posted by Hello

This is my apartment Posted by Hello

Yes, this is my kingdom. I have one more window that's on down the sidewalk. You can't see it. Best part about this place is I'm right beside the laundry room. Very happy thing.

The Place Where She Lives Posted by Hello

This is kind of a far off view of the apartment complex I live in. Since I still live on campus I still get to see all the people I became friends with while I was in college. It's not the ideal situation, but I enjoy it all the same.